We have gone to defcon 6, one minute to 12, we've hit code red, shoot the pigs, kill the swine. Ok so now that the world, or the USA has gone completely off the wack on swine flu. It all started in Mexico, and it seems that things in Mexico are slowing down (according to CNN) the worst fear mongers in the world.
How long before Oprah has "Survivors of the swine flu" on her show, with questions, "what was it like having a sore throat, was the nauesa worse than watching Maury's show" Will there be a "Run for swine flu" with all proceeds going to Cancun.
Ok so being serious here, we have a wealth of hypochondriacs in this world that are now coming down with symptoms, I too am feeling a little run down, have a headache, a little bit of nauesa, oh wait, I had beers tonight, never mind...........I think I'm having a stroke......I was kidding about the being serious part.
Kill Porky, shoot Babe, it's the pigs, they said bacon was bad for us, we should have listened.........and now we have a pandemic, or an imminent pandemic according to the World Health Organization, 2700 people world wide "may" have symptoms.
I suppose we'll see. We've gone to agent orange, it's a category 12, CNN is about to separate the facts from the not so real facts. When it's all over the remaining few of us left with sit back and say we should have listened, now we have to deal the zombies.
Egypt has ordered the slaughter of pigs, those flu shots you lined up for months ago, no help. Fort Worth schools will close until May 11th. Good news is that flu should die off during the summer months, but may come back in the fall........just so the parinoid can have a crappy summer worring about the flu they'll catch in the fall.
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