Saturday, December 5, 2009

The pig flu-part whatever

Now that we have past the peak of the "worst flu, potentially most deadly flu, millions will die, life will cease to exhist" in the history of the world without so much as a whimper goodbye....this according to the World Health Organization. It turns out that this flu was not a huge issue...I believe I mentioned that in this blog back in May of this year, right after a bunch of Mexicans died. But now the hook is Canada's top health guy David Butler-Jones is passing the word like an Olympic torch, get the flu shot it's not over, and the sky is falling. The question we should be asking, when the World Health Organization has said they were wrong and that the panic was driven by the drug companies and the media, and when other leading authorities on infectious diseases have said it's all gone Pete Tong, why is Butler Jones still pushing the it politically driven or is it financially driven?

How much money did Canada waste on buying more pig shots than were needed, I guess we should tell everyone to get a shot, no sense having them go to bad, they do have a shelf life and afterall the drug companies were more than happy to drop a few billion bucks into their own pockets.

WHO gets the kick backs from all the drug companies?

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