Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pig flu symptoms

According to medical authorities the following symptoms are related to Pig Flu:

If you have a fever of 100 degrees or any of the following 2 symptoms.

Sore throat
Tired or fatigue
Aching muscles or joints
Runny nose

I have 2 or more of these on a regular basis... pretty much have at least 3 on a daily basis. Matter of fact, most people I know have 2 or more of these everyday.

These Flu symptoms are also related to:

West Nile
Bubonic Plague
Common Cold
Ebola Virus

Physical activities
Work related activities
Weather related activities
Just doing stuff activities
Sitting at the computer blogging too long activities

Pretty much everything known to man starts with these if you have any of these symptoms stop what you're doing....go home.....lock your doors and windows......and hide in your closet......because if you're this paranoid..... you're pretty much fucked.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's the Canadian way

We live in a country that is running backwards, a country where the minority dictates to the majority. A country with a government that bends over and kisses the ass of a single province, in order to stay elected... where french dominates all levels of government inspite of english being the langauge of the majority. We are so quick to apologize to anyone and everyone in order not to offend, even if we are not the ones that should be apologizing. We send athletes to compete and tell them it's ok not to win, just being there is it's not. Other countries compete to win and give the athletes the support system to be the best.

We have become a nation where being white and english has become a handicap, government and private sector businesses are being told to hire the visable minorities, it looks better. We are being lectured by rock stars who feel that we as a nation are not doing enough to re-green the planet, in the mean time they load up the trucks with their gear and haul it from country to country raking in millions of dollars, and they, sorry Bono, tells us we need to do more. We don't tell China to stop polluting, we just throw our business to them in order to save a few bucks so our Olympic athletes can feel comfortable wearing "Made if China" clothing at the Olympics in our own country.

We have politicians and big business telling us everything is going well, and getting better, but watch as they bail each other out, off the backs of the same people that put them there, but that's ok, it's all part of the Canadian way.........and it's all wrong.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hand shakes, high fives and things that go bump in the night

I recently attended a conference and the fear of pig flu wasn't mentioned, there were no "new" methods of greeting people, traditional hand shakes was the most popular method of saying hello to new and old friends.

People should wake up, give a quick head shake and stop scaring themselves into changing how they work and live. You're not likely going to get the pig flu, your chances of getting the pig flu are slim....your chances of getting struck by lightning is probably greater..........get a grip on your brains people.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The new vaccine is here..the new vaccine is here...

Drug companies have been paid $1.5 billion for pig flu vaccine, in addition to the $1.0 billion they had for the seasonal flu "pre-booked." World wide, the drug compaines have sold more than $20 billion in vaccine.

So does anyone have any doubts why the pandemic was created.

It was not tested long enough, drug companies and doctors can't say for sure it is safe.

Doctors get co-payments for booked injections.

This flu is no more deadly than the seasonal flu, in fact less dangerous.

The vaccine has been linked to paralysis.

This virus has seen it's claim to fame via the media. Incorrect facts and false statements continue to generate fear, most of the information is mixed and confused. The World Health Organization which has started the panic continues to send out information, but none of it is clear.

It is Y2K all over again.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alex Cullen City Councillor or just an asshole

I listened to Alex Cullen speak today on the has been determined that he is both a city councillor and an asshole.....not just a run of the mill asshole but a five star asshole.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The death of Lansdowne Park

Members of Ottawa city council, members of the Glebe community and the Glebe business group have all come to the same conclusion that the parking lot known as Lansdowne Park should remain the unchanged. They will do whatever they can to kill any construction or rebuilding of the rusting and crumbling structures.

In November Ottawa City Council will vote to walk away from a deal that would see Lansdowne and the Glebe rebuilt. This money making operation for the City and the business group that is willing to pay a huge share of the costs will once again lose out. Lansdowne Park has not seen any improvement or changes in decades. It will die a slow death for generations to come.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Olympic "C"

Once again politics has ventured into the world of sports, seems that some Liberal members of parliament are C-ing red over the new Canadian Olympic clothing. At the heart of of it all, the big "C" on the front of the ugly clothing designed by Zellers for Zellers, from China, resembles the "C" being used by the Federal Conservative party logo.

When will politicians learn that the majority of Canadians really don't care about politics and generally see politicians as a useless waste of time and space. It's a big "C" kind of like the big "C" at the beginning of the word CANADA. I suppose the only way to fix it all would have been to have "CLNDPBLOCKGREEN" on the shoulder of the sweater, that way all the political parties are covered. Everyone would be happy except Mr CLNDPBLOCKGREEN........why is my name on all these made in China sweaters.

Ladies tuck your tits away

What's this country coming to when Montreal has cancelled their participation in the international breastfeeding challenge due to fears that hanging the nips out in public might open up the opportunity for pig flu to run where are the throngs of "hiding in the bushes" pigs going to go for their annual free boob fix?

It's just not fair.