Thursday, December 17, 2009


If a Chinese couple conceive in Canada is it not true that their child was made in Canada.

The Merry Stressmas season

For so many people this is not a season of joy and happiness, for a variety of personal reasons, whether it's not having a family, maybe not too many friends...........what the biggest reason is that we are so flooded with this as the giving time of year..... where it's better to receive than it is to give, except in the situation where you really have the desire to give but not the resources to do so......yes we can give of doesn't have to be a material give.....but when the financial give is what you really want to give and you can't, then it just turns into a is what brings people down enough to not want to give of themselves at all.

So the next time you see someone that doesn't look to happy, wish them a Merry Christmas, say something nice to someone, it may be all it takes to make a difference in life.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To stave or not to starve.....that is the question

In reference to my prior message, I was just wondering, when all these athletes and celebrities visit the starving kids....occationally doing a little kid can never have enough starving kids right Angelina......Maybe looking for a new date Woody........the point is.....when these "I want to feel good about myself" types visit these countries..where do they it a 5 star hotel or are there some 3 star hotels...........and what do they they scrape rice from the sides of the empty bowls or complain that the steak they ordered isn't cooked just right.....

Just wondering.

Is it just me.............

Are there a lot more "Save the children"..... "Feed the hungry overseas"........"Adopt a kid in Africa"........"For a few pennies a day" commercials on TV these days. The one thing that has always puzzled me is that someone is still reproducing into these starving countries...........yes it's all a tragic state..........but I prefer to look after my own kids......I struggle for money all the excuse me for not feeling guilty because I don't give money to help feed the starving overseas.....I'm tired of these athlete and celebrity junkets to Africa returning to their multi-million dollar homes and over inflated salaries spewing forth the reasons why we should give.

If it makes them feel better, that's just swell.......good for them.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Canada Post

So once again another government agency, our beloved Canada Post has delivered another bad notice. In Pakenham Ontario, a small village outside of Ottawa, but within the National Capital region, lives a women named Jeanne Barr. Barr works as the Postmistress in Pakenham, she is an english speaking resident that knows the people and the area that she lives and works in. Canada Post has decided that because she can't speak french that she is unfit to work for them. They would send their little rats to spy on her, make sure that she is unfit to work for them... in this great country Canada Post has decided that not speaking french is a crime. I have to wonder do all the postal workers in Canada, in particular in western Canada, speak both languages, does everyone that works for Canada post in Quebec speak both languages, or is this just another I speak french and you don't attack on english. Does Canada post send out their little rats into rural Quebec looking to fire french only postal workers, somehow I doubt it.

This kind of nonsense has to stop.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The pig flu-part whatever

Now that we have past the peak of the "worst flu, potentially most deadly flu, millions will die, life will cease to exhist" in the history of the world without so much as a whimper goodbye....this according to the World Health Organization. It turns out that this flu was not a huge issue...I believe I mentioned that in this blog back in May of this year, right after a bunch of Mexicans died. But now the hook is Canada's top health guy David Butler-Jones is passing the word like an Olympic torch, get the flu shot it's not over, and the sky is falling. The question we should be asking, when the World Health Organization has said they were wrong and that the panic was driven by the drug companies and the media, and when other leading authorities on infectious diseases have said it's all gone Pete Tong, why is Butler Jones still pushing the it politically driven or is it financially driven?

How much money did Canada waste on buying more pig shots than were needed, I guess we should tell everyone to get a shot, no sense having them go to bad, they do have a shelf life and afterall the drug companies were more than happy to drop a few billion bucks into their own pockets.

WHO gets the kick backs from all the drug companies?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Is the alledged torture of Afghan prisoners our concern?

Do the majority of Canadians really care if Afghan detainees are being treated unfairly? Do the majority of Canadians believe that it's not our business? Do the majority of Canadians believe that the laws and practices in Afghanistan are our business? Do the majority of Canadians believe Afghanistan will ever be a democratic society where everyone lives free from oppression? Well according to to our politicians we all care, and we should be interfering with this country and it's laws, as they keep saying "Canadians want to know"

Well no not really, the majority of Canadians care about what's going on in our country, we want to know why our taxes are so high, why gas prices are manipulated by the oil compaines and yet nothing is ever done about that, we want to know how we're going to be able to afford to retire, how we are going to be able to raise our kids in a safe country, free from gang violence and drug wars, perpertrated by immigrants set on changing our country to suit their needs. Canadians want to know why we bend over backwards to wish people happy holidays, when it used to be Merry Christmas, Canadians care about Canada.

Personally I don't give a damn if a few Afghan prisoners are treated unfairly, that's not the country I care about. They will never live free from violence, oppression or a just and fair society. This is the reality of Afghanistan.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Woods

So it seems that without coming right out and saying it....Tiger has admitted to having his balls polished at the 19th hole. The 19th hole also known as cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs is still waiting for Tiger to give her a call...... Grubbs has admitted that she hopes Tiger is ok with her spilling her guts to the world, has kept 300 text messages of the affair, I guess she just wanted to have something to remember Tiger by when he stops calling. She does hope to reconnect with Tiger and remain good guess is that Tiger has already thrown her number out and is not interested in hitting anymore long balls her way......I don't think Tiger's wife will be too interested in kissing his putter for luck anytime soon.

Victoria's secret

As I couldn't sleep late last night I happened upon the Victoria Secret fashion show.......what struck me more than anything was that with a few exceptions these beautiful women were all quite shapeless.....they talked of the 3 square meals they eat everyday, as well as snacks.......I have to wonder what a square meal is to these super models. All decked out in feathers and bells and things in between.....I noticed a hiss coming from my wasn't until further inspection I realized that it wasn't the sound system at fault.....but simply the air escaping from the heads of these girls.