Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My new neighbour is a dumb c**t

A month or so ago a new neighbour moved in, a single mom with two teenage boys, two cats.. two dogs and two nipples you could hang a hat on..... seems that her ex-husband didn't like dogs so the first thing she does is get two dogs........what she didn't do is teach the dogs not to bark...and what else does she do..... puts the dogs outside at midnight..... 1am... 2am... or whenever she feels it's an "acceptable" time to wake up the neighbour.......this is where I come in....being the neighbour I have been barked awake by her dogs over a dozen times now......I was willing to give her a chance.... afterall she is a new neighbour and when we first met she came across as a nice person.........I called animal control a couple of weeks ago.....the limitations of my patience had run slowed her down a bit........well this past weekend as my wife and I walked past the barking dogs one got off the rope and nipped at my wife's was a sneak attack......I turned as the dog started barking at me.....the youngest son came walking over and grabbed the dog......I explained to him in my outside voice that the "dog came within an inch of being dead, tell that to your mother" I was angry..I had every right to be angry..and if the dog had of bitten my wife or me......well this would be the story of the boy who had two dog and a mother you could hang hats a few days pass the dogs are quiet and then tonight at 11:45pm the dogs are back outside........sleep gone again.......I went outside and confronted her and mentioned to her..well it was in my outside voice again.... that I was tired of being woken up by her dogs.........she then tells me that she was going to call the police because of my death threat and how her 13 year old son is so traumatized that he had to go back to his father's...she had told me when we first met that he gets the kid every second that story doesn't fly...... the fact her dog attacked my wife didn't I'm sorry.....just her outside voice blaming me for being a shitty neighbour.......she decided not to call the police because she has a heart condition and didn't want to deal with it I friggin care as she tosses her cigarette away........I offer to apologize to her son.......and then gave her two options......train the dogs or get rid of she storms out of my yard uttering the words......I'd rather move than have a neighbour like you...did you need a hand packing.......oh did I mention that it was her friggin dogs that are the problem........can't really blame the's the dumb c**t that owns them.........really wish she had of called the police I'd love to tell them my side of the story..........what  is wrong with people that they won't take any personal responsibility for their own problems....and then pass the blame on to someone else....I can only guess that her ex-husband had put in his time......and got out on early parole........when we first met I thought she was nice..........what a poor book cover guess this was.......nipples n' pups........

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What makes a person worthless

My neighbours are welfare children, stoned by 10am and it stays that way  until the dark hours of night, pretending to be the "next" greats on the guitars they can't play and voices that scratch out bad lyrics from songs I used to like.  They have kids, there are afterall 2 couples living there, I assume that welfare kicking in coins to both couples, and making more money than I do. I couldn't afford to buy the amount of drugs that they consume daily, nor would I waste my money on it.  Do they believe that they are setting any kind of worthwhile example to the four children all under two years old?  Perhaps in a drug induced state they see what they are as worthwhile, we have the guy that lies on the front steps with the bandana, looking like pirate Steve from  the movie Dodgeball, stoned again, his wife/girlfriend who allowed the other roommate to "style" her hair, looking now like a dog after having it's belly shaved before getting spayed, well it must be a "style" and not a cut afterall the roomate is in beauty school learning how the cut hair, perhaps sending her off to a farm to sheer sheep would have been a better calling.

The husband/ boyfriend of sheep sheer, coughs enoughs that if he hasn't ruptured something I would be surprised, proclaiming that "it's a mellow high" and then coughs for the next hour, I suppose if you're stoned all day, do you even care that you're worthless and dying a slow death, or is he already dead and just sitting in the waiting room.

They bought a dog, a big dog, an untrained big dog, the kind of big untrained dog that we read about mauling a young child and the owner then procaliming "our pet is so gentle" while the surgeons stitch the childs face back on, well the parts they could find without having to dig through the pile of dog shit in the backyard......oh look there's his nose, it was a cute nose.

The generation of worthless people breeding the next generation of worthless people.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The customer is always right?

We all know the saying "The customer is always right"  It should be revised.........the customer is always right, unless they have no idea what they are talking about due to a lack of information, then the customer is simply wrong.........and  supplied with the correct information so that in the future they can be right.......but until that happens.......consider them wrong.

If they argue the point that they are indeed right.....when clearly wrong.....consider them a hostile customer and more than uninformed asshole.......politely supply them with the correct information.......if they still argue the point...........feel free to start the next sentence with....."listen up"

Friday, March 4, 2011

People are idiots

If you haven't run across anyone that is an are one. Wake up idiot.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Canadians working and living in unstable areas

Every few months we hear about all the Canadians, many with dual citizenships, being trapped in unstable parts of the world as civil unrest raises up.  What obligation does Canada have to these Canadians that have chosen to live in these parts of the world, I understand that in many cases there are part time workers and tourists trapped, these  people should definately be rescued, but those that have left Canada to live in these countries, sorry but you're on your own. If you have been living outside Canada, not paying taxes, not contributing to Canada, you're on your own.  These people have made a choice, but when something happens they are yelling at anyone that will listen about how "we Canadians" need more to be done to rescue us from our new home in, Lybia, Iran. Iraq, Egypt, Lebenon, the countries list could go on. But what happens when these people get back to Canada, they hang out for a while and book tickets back as soon as the trouble settles down.  These people should just accept where they have chosen to live, and stop blaming Canada for letting them down, you don't live in Canada anymore.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Banks and Greed

As the average working guy struggles through the pay cheque to pay cheque world, the banks get richer, well the guys at the top get richer, banks constantly up the service charges, they hide some, they only tell you what they want you to hear. They charge loan shark interest rates that are sanctioned by the Bank of Canada and the Federal Government, which take their cut like the pimps that they are.  They pander to the wealthy and make it easier for them to get wealthier, while joe average is paying out the ass for everything.

The government asked the banks to let the money flow a little easier so Joe average could maybe get ahead, and what did the banks do, they tightened the money up, and what did the Feds do, nothing. If anyone honestly believes that the banks would risk not being able to pay the guy at the top his multi-million dollar salary, and bonus for driving a rolls of quarters up your ass, well, I'd like to meet that guy.

Nikons new high end snow shovel

This is what happens when a camera company loans gear to amateurs who think they are rock stars of the photo world.  

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Womens hockey

Shooting the opening game of the women's hockey to a near capacity crowd of 128 in the 10,400 seat arena, sitting room only in any section. Fans were on their feet as the tape to near stick passes created icing calls on near every play.........booming slapshots to the hogline, and that "you can't touch me" no contact style of we want to be equal to the boys game.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Ottawa Senators update

As predicted on this blog in 2009 the Senators would have another losing season in the 2010-11 season and here they are at the bottom of the division, and only 2 points out of the NHL basement. Edmonton's young guns are a single point behind the Sens, the difference is that Edmonton is in a re-build, Ottawa is like lego blocks, they have a bunch of "L" shaped blocks that don't fit together and are wearing out. They are trading away what's left, have no one in the farm and some draft picks in a lean year. So who gets the boot at the end of the season, GM Brian Murray, Alex Kovalev, Milan Michalek, Pascal LeClaire and perhaps Chris Phillips by trade deadline. Rumour has it Brian Murray is trying to get some new sticks to go along with the bag of pucks he got for Mike Fisher.

Three more losing seasons, and a team for sale in two.

The blind guy

I was up covering freestyle skiing the other day and standing a few yards away from me was a blind guy, I suppose he was visually impared just to sound politically correct for a moment. I wondered to myself, what he was thinking.......he couldn't see the action, there wasn't anyone talking about what was going on........well apart from the announcer who was making stuff up........."and on the hill doing a front flippy- two and half- tail grab-with a full chubby"

It then struck me, he was working on his tan.

Photography glamour on the road

In the middle of my 18 days and I just did some laundry, underware and t-shirts hanging all over the bathroom of my 4 star hotel..........yep it's all about the glamour.

I heard it yesterday from an amateur photographer/judo coach who was using $11,000 worth of borrowed gear from Nikon........"you have my dream job"

Ya tell that to my underware.

Outdoor concerts

So here I am at the Canada Winter Games enjoying what I do best, photograph sports, but as part of the contract I have I am suppose to be covering all the cultural events as well, not always possible, in reality, not possible. The toughest part is that I am suppose to cover the outdoor concerts, however these concerts all happen at the same time as the sports I'm trying to cover, so guess what doesn't get covered?

There is another side to all this, it's the 3 song rule, if I want to shoot at the front of the stage, I have to show up early and join all the amateur camera owners that were handed passes like rice to a starving kid. I have no doubt that I would be the only professional photographer in this mass of digital retards that have decided they want to be "concert photographers" Here is the interesting thing, if I show up early and get a spot close to the front of the stage as a spectator, these are free concerts, I could shoot the whole concert. Professional 3 songs-spectator all the songs. So here in lies the problem, as a professional I am restricted as to what I can cover, but anyone with a digital camera is not. If someone could explain the reasoning behind this I would be open to listening.

So tonight I will wander to the concert, find a place a little further back and shoot some pretty pictures, it will be interesting to see if security drops by and says I can't, I will raise the point that it would mean going through the entire crowd and telling everyone, no pictures.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pig Flu update..WHO are you, WHO, WHO.

Where did the pig flu go? Wasn't it suppose to be the end of mankind as we know it? Wasn't it suppose to kill millions worldwide? Wasn't it suppose to make the drug companies billions of dollars fabricating this whole farce when the economy was in the fabricated nose dive.......Oh sorry that part was all right.

How much money did the drug companies make over producing pig flu vaccine?

But where did the pig flu go? I suppose someone has to take credit for wiping it out, maybe the World Health Organization can take credit for that, afterall it was them that started the whole process. So on behalf of WHO I'd like to accept this award for stopping the pig flu. I don't have the time to thank everyone that supported this cause but would like to give a big thanks to my stock broker WHO pointed me to the right drug companies that were producing the vaccine I made a killing........

Wheelchair basketball

I shot a couple of Wheelchair basketball games yesterday and the one thing that really struck me wasn't so much the games but the athletes that compete in the games, sounds a little odd as without the athletes there is no game. Now the thing about wheelchair basketball is that you don't have to be disabled to compete, you can be an able body athlete to compete, but once you are strapped into the wheelchair you in affect become disabled. There is an amazing skill level involved in just moving a wheelchair in a straight line, I've tried it, it's not easy, but these athletes bang and crash, turn on dime and stop on the same dime, all the time dribbling a basketball and shooting. It is a great sport to watch, like every sport full of characters, laughing, crying and competitive. One of the team Ontario athletes plays with one hand, no legs and a heart as big all outdoors, he inspires those around him, is the soul of the team, and as tough a kid as I've ever seen. Shayne Smith won't ever be a household name, never be a Crosby or Gretzky, but in the world of just being a human being, his attitude on the floor is heads above so many.

Well I'm back

I was reminded yesterday by a friend that I hadn't been posting. It has been a while and it's not because I didn't have anything to say, I didn't know anyone was reading this stuff, well apart from family, and I tell them pretty much everything anyway. I was going by the followers list and as I only have a few figured it was rather pointless. Well now I know that there are other people out there following the ramblings of a sometimes slightly disturbed photographer that trys to find humour in something every day, it's really not difficult. So today I will get back to posting.