Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Premier Dalton "I won't raise taxes"

Another lie........and now he's pissing off other to all you idiots that voted him back in......what do you see in him that I don't?  Have you noticed that everything in Ontario has gone up in price......not a single thing has gone down.........I'm guessing not even Mrs Dalton.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston death of a singing drug addict

So Whitney is gone....... did she change the she have a great one time yes.......will they find drugs in her system at the time she sank faster than a Canadian submarine......probably.....will she be some yes........her fans...........did I like the movie The Body Guard.......yes I did..........have I watched it more than once........nope..........Whitney is gone..........within days of her being planted...........she will be really gone........end of story.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My son was called a racist

My son works for a drug store downtown and enjoys being there. He works hard, running around making sure everything is just right.  Last night he was helping out with a customer who became annoyed because he couldn't answer a question about cosmetics, he doesn't work in cosmetics, he went over to help out as the person in charge was busy with another customer. He tried to understaand her question through a strong accent, it seems that she is known in the store as being "full of herself" and as it was decsribed, in "her country, she is expected to be treated better"  She called him a racist when no mention of race was mentioned, my son treats people with respect, he was raised that way. 

It is people like this woman that causes all the race problems, bought her way into Canada and claims poverty, sucks from the welfare tit while sitting on a coin filled bank account. Her country of origin, Somalia, that crime laden country filled with a corrupt "government" of thugs and hijackers. People buy there way out of Somilia to a better country, this country of Canada.  What this woman should learn is that respect is earned, it is not a right, and if there is a racist in this picture, it is her. Once again, she pulls the race card.

I have told my son that if this situation happens again to just tell the person "I am not a racist and I resent being called one" and walk away.  People like this don't deserve any respect.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My neighbour and her dogs part 2

Well it has been months since I have felt like adding a post, so I thought I would a follow-up on nipples and pups. Well bylaw has been called several times, the police have been informed as well. She seems to have taken on a new and more annoying attitude with the dogs.  After receiving a letter telling her of the noise bylaw and the potential fines envolved she has taken it upon herself to let the dogs out just after 11pm, when the noise bylaw comes into affect, they bark for 5 minutes and she lets them in, a personal protest on her part.

On a lighter side, it appears that she has a new man in her life, as the walls are thin, she is heard wailing like a banshie at 2am, apparently his name is Ohgod, as she yells it every few minutes. I'm not sure now what is worse, the dogs, which are slient when Ohgod is visiting........or when Ohgod is visiting.

This is one saga that I fear may not end for quite some time, not as long as nipples with pups, keeps acting like a c**t with no thoughts or concerns of disturbing other people with her pups........the dogs.