Friday, May 28, 2010

Clive Doucet and Lansdowne Park

Turns out Clive still doesn't like Lansdowne Park..........he continues with a huge lack of vision...........he complains about everything and yet when asked about the new designs for Lansdowne he says he likes the stadium design but hates the fact that there isn't just grass and tulips to tip-toe through.............if there was one word that could describe Clive Doucet....well there isn't just I'll add a few.

Short sighted
Big baby
No vision
Self centered
Self absorbed
A hamster on a wheel.........just keeps running in circles.....gets dizzy and then runs some more.

The final thing about Clive............he's leaving as a councillor...........thanks Clive for that.

Alex Cullen for Mayor

The more I listen and read about Alex "Mr transportation" Cullen the more I realize that he is without clue, he rambles on and on about trasportation concerns in Ottawa...........and now he rambles on and on about running for mayor........he rambles on and on about all the things that he should have been doing when he was a councillor..........he voted against everything and now is blaming everyone else for the problems............he should really be running as a Federal liberial or Provincial Liberial...........afterall.......all the problems there are being blamed on someone else............typical politican.....none of them take any responsibility for anything they say.

A vote for Cullen is a vote for...............well..........nothing

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My ideas

I have just been listening to the City of Ottawa's Alex Cullen, for those who don't know who he is.........he is on City Council....he is running for mayor..........he is the orange cone on the road that blocks the lanes while other people work......he has wonderful ideas for transportation...........he is the councillor responsible for transportation........he wants to build trains and tunnels and has ideas..........what he doesn't have is plans or funding............What I think we should have is a mono-rail that zooms all over the City of Ottawa...........and hover cars.........yes lots of hover cars....this would help eliminate ground traffic.......... we should have a bunch of other cool things that would cost billions..........I don't have any plans or any money.......but I have ideas..............Can I be on City Council? I have other stupid ideas........all of them would require raising taxes by 50%..........getting full funding from everyone else..........but they are ideas.