Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Another new year

As the new approaches I took on the task of making dinner tonight, I did up my specialty, homemade burgers and proceeded to make the worst dinner I have ever done, the rave reviews around the table, the looks on everyone faces as they struggled down a dry and tasteless piece of meat served up with undercooked potatoes, pass the ketchup it's the only thing that can help this dish.  Too bad it didn't, my mother in law, can't eat it, so passes her half eaten burger on to my wife, who did her best to make me feel better about the crap I cooked up.  My first bite could very well have been my last if I weren't hungry.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hell behind the wheel panic behind the driver

So for the past week I have been in the car with my 80 year old mother-in-law, near sighted...far sighted...unsighted...oblivious to the lines on the road...the speed limit of the road...driving slower I would be happy with...having her pissed off because everyone else is driving too slow is different...colour blind to red tail lights...missing turn signals on other cars...changing lanes without looking...what's that sound...the horn coming from the guy running onto the shoulder to avoid a sideswipe...the curbs...designed to keep the car near the surface of the road...like the gutters in a bowling alley...to keep the ball from leaving the lane...sidewalks...people use them...so does she...when the curbs don't work.

Another week...I like sitting in the back...when the airbag goes off I will have a seat in front of me as well...in the mean time another drink to celebrate a round trip from the house to the shops and back again...and only a few shouts of encouragement from my wife...brake...brake...BRAKE.

The change of life

Why is that whenever you just get your computer settings all set the way you like someone comes along and introduces a "new and improved" system to make things easier, more simple and less complicated?  I just changed my password so I could get into the blog with the password I had set years ago, however they have determined that because I am in a different country I have to go through all the new steps to protect myself so that someone doesn't hack into my blog and say something stupid, racist, or politically incorrect, well that isn't likely to happen as I'm pretty sure that I have already stated all of these things as one point. I was asked to add a phone number so they could give me a call in Canada and pass along all the details, too bad I'm not in Canada.

I believe that it is done not to protect the user, but to just fuck with them...Kind of like China making barbeques and leaving out a couple of screws, or forgetting to drill a hole, it is just to fuck people up.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Hydro and electro shock for the Ontario Provincial Liberials

I think that wires should be attached to the testicles of the males in the Ontario Liberal party and wrapped around the nipples of the  women and cranked up...perhaps at this point they will start to understand that some people in Ontario are a little upset with another tax hike...but then they would probably enjoy it...after all they have had us bent over and reamed our asses for years now...Dalton was like a cheap political whore...lied about it to our faces about how he did it all for the good of the people...and then fucked us all.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


So the Harper government of reformers from the west...these are not the Progressive Conservatives I used to know...dropped off their new Throne speech yesterday for the GG to read...they tossed in the usual we want to help some...screw some...and generally say nothing.

The NDP leader Thomas Mulcair complained that the Harper bunch stole all their great ideas...ya so..ya wanna fight about it? It's not like they are going to really use them...they just wanted to borrow them to fill up the novel that was read...they didn't have any better ideas I suppose.

The Liberal leader Justin "I wanna be just like my dad" Trudeau flicked is hair until he had that one little strand on his forehead and then proceeded to say nothing.

Oh ya now I remember what I was thinking...what the fuck.

What the fuck...

I just have to add that to my day every now and then.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

How the Aboriginals can keep their way of life

So it seems that the aboriginals on many of the reserves want to retain their native rights to the land...they feel that the people of Canada are trying to steal it away...have it abolished...the government offers and pays out billions of tax dollars to the aboriginals...and what do they do with it...I don't know.

If they want to keep their god given native rights...hand back all the money...the guns...the cars...the snow mobiles...and go back to spear fishing...trapping...YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.

You are not willing to move for work...or for school...the most outspoken have done both...they live in comfort...they are the spokes people for their own...as they should be...but don't blame the rest of Canada for all your problems...choices can be made.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The bogus hunger strike

So Asackofwackycats Chief Theresa Spence has given up on her no carb diet and has managed to keep down a piece of toast while her system "re-adjusts" to eating solid food again.  Her fish high protein and fat fish broth, lemon water with a twist, and vitamins that did her system more good than her usual super sized big mac diet lasted all of 44 days.  Do you suppose she weighed herself before the diet and then weighed herself after? just wondering if she lost any weight.  The pictures I've seen all show the same fat face and  Chief pilsbury body...it was all just a circus side show trick using smoke and mirrors to try and hide the fact that her and her live in spokes person have been "borrowing" the bands money to redo the bathroom and kitchen in there comfortable home on the reserve...I suppose she keeps the blinds closed so she can't see the third world outside her windows...the third world that doesn't get to see any of the millions that have been thrown her direction.  Time for the her to be personally audited as well as every other band that receives free tax dollars and put an end to the dog and pony show.

On the reserve life is like a box of chocolates...but Spence hid the box after eating them all.