Sunday, December 16, 2012

Murdering the innocent

With this latest and tragic act of gun violence still in the hearts and minds of people we are all outraged and saddened by it.  Children are supposed to be protected and for the most part they are over-protected.  As a child I ran and played, rode my beat up bikes in and out of traffic, we threw rocks at each other, we got lost and we worried our parents sick when we didn't show up on time.  But we always felt safe living in a safe country...the sick people were still out there but we never heard about them.  This is home in schools were all safe places to be...we thought about guns...made them out of a stick...pointed a finger and thumb...played cowboys and indians...good guys and bad guys.

This week in the United States of "what the fuck is wrong with you people" America a lone gunman...a child 20 years old he had not even started to live his own life...murdered the innocent...murdered teachers and his mother...who provided him with the assault rifle to do the job...she took him to the gun range and taught him how to kill...not just kill...that is what an assault rifle is designed is not for hunting is not for home is designed to kill people...that is is simple.   For his part he was given the tool by his mother...he was home taught by his mother...he was "removed" for society by his mother...because he was a "troubled youth"  A troubled youth with access to weapons...other people knew he was disturbed...but they chose not to help...they chose not to say "perhaps having guns around him is not a good idea"  The Americans embrace the idea of having guns for home protection...afterall they are permitted to own them...they can carry them on some school property...just in case...they live in a society where they are all prepared to take a life if it suits them...if they have road rage...or if they simply don't like someone.  I won't type the name of the latest murderer...I don't want him to be known...there is no reason to remember him for anything other than a murderer of children.  Cry for the children...and cry for the United States...they allow it...and they will never change it...that is their right.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christian Childrens Fund

Holy Geez...I realize that there are starving kids in third world countries, but using Christmas as a way of guilting money out of us is crap.  There are starving kids in "have" countries as that know about Christmas and yet don't get to celebrate it either.  This starts at home...

The commercial of kids from some third world country with tears running down their cheeks all looking santa this presents under the palm tree this year...ya it sucks for them...ya it sucks for their parents...or parent...the sperm donor long gone.

This commercial has been running on tv for decades...I wonder where these kids are now...time to update the tears and flys.

Donate at home...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012 the end of the world?

I have to say that I am quite surprised that more people haven't starting going crazy with the Dec 21st end of the world prediction.  There have of course been more movies...more tv shows about the up- coming doomsday.  Who knows what will happen, rumour has it that the earth is going to shift a bit and chnage the weather patterns, warm comes north, cold goes south...can't say I have a real problem with all that...a banana tree growing in the backyard.  We all know that people will start to act a little different as the day draws near...what happens...I guess we'll have to wait and see.