Thursday, December 17, 2009


If a Chinese couple conceive in Canada is it not true that their child was made in Canada.

The Merry Stressmas season

For so many people this is not a season of joy and happiness, for a variety of personal reasons, whether it's not having a family, maybe not too many friends...........what the biggest reason is that we are so flooded with this as the giving time of year..... where it's better to receive than it is to give, except in the situation where you really have the desire to give but not the resources to do so......yes we can give of doesn't have to be a material give.....but when the financial give is what you really want to give and you can't, then it just turns into a is what brings people down enough to not want to give of themselves at all.

So the next time you see someone that doesn't look to happy, wish them a Merry Christmas, say something nice to someone, it may be all it takes to make a difference in life.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To stave or not to starve.....that is the question

In reference to my prior message, I was just wondering, when all these athletes and celebrities visit the starving kids....occationally doing a little kid can never have enough starving kids right Angelina......Maybe looking for a new date Woody........the point is.....when these "I want to feel good about myself" types visit these countries..where do they it a 5 star hotel or are there some 3 star hotels...........and what do they they scrape rice from the sides of the empty bowls or complain that the steak they ordered isn't cooked just right.....

Just wondering.

Is it just me.............

Are there a lot more "Save the children"..... "Feed the hungry overseas"........"Adopt a kid in Africa"........"For a few pennies a day" commercials on TV these days. The one thing that has always puzzled me is that someone is still reproducing into these starving countries...........yes it's all a tragic state..........but I prefer to look after my own kids......I struggle for money all the excuse me for not feeling guilty because I don't give money to help feed the starving overseas.....I'm tired of these athlete and celebrity junkets to Africa returning to their multi-million dollar homes and over inflated salaries spewing forth the reasons why we should give.

If it makes them feel better, that's just swell.......good for them.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Canada Post

So once again another government agency, our beloved Canada Post has delivered another bad notice. In Pakenham Ontario, a small village outside of Ottawa, but within the National Capital region, lives a women named Jeanne Barr. Barr works as the Postmistress in Pakenham, she is an english speaking resident that knows the people and the area that she lives and works in. Canada Post has decided that because she can't speak french that she is unfit to work for them. They would send their little rats to spy on her, make sure that she is unfit to work for them... in this great country Canada Post has decided that not speaking french is a crime. I have to wonder do all the postal workers in Canada, in particular in western Canada, speak both languages, does everyone that works for Canada post in Quebec speak both languages, or is this just another I speak french and you don't attack on english. Does Canada post send out their little rats into rural Quebec looking to fire french only postal workers, somehow I doubt it.

This kind of nonsense has to stop.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The pig flu-part whatever

Now that we have past the peak of the "worst flu, potentially most deadly flu, millions will die, life will cease to exhist" in the history of the world without so much as a whimper goodbye....this according to the World Health Organization. It turns out that this flu was not a huge issue...I believe I mentioned that in this blog back in May of this year, right after a bunch of Mexicans died. But now the hook is Canada's top health guy David Butler-Jones is passing the word like an Olympic torch, get the flu shot it's not over, and the sky is falling. The question we should be asking, when the World Health Organization has said they were wrong and that the panic was driven by the drug companies and the media, and when other leading authorities on infectious diseases have said it's all gone Pete Tong, why is Butler Jones still pushing the it politically driven or is it financially driven?

How much money did Canada waste on buying more pig shots than were needed, I guess we should tell everyone to get a shot, no sense having them go to bad, they do have a shelf life and afterall the drug companies were more than happy to drop a few billion bucks into their own pockets.

WHO gets the kick backs from all the drug companies?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Is the alledged torture of Afghan prisoners our concern?

Do the majority of Canadians really care if Afghan detainees are being treated unfairly? Do the majority of Canadians believe that it's not our business? Do the majority of Canadians believe that the laws and practices in Afghanistan are our business? Do the majority of Canadians believe Afghanistan will ever be a democratic society where everyone lives free from oppression? Well according to to our politicians we all care, and we should be interfering with this country and it's laws, as they keep saying "Canadians want to know"

Well no not really, the majority of Canadians care about what's going on in our country, we want to know why our taxes are so high, why gas prices are manipulated by the oil compaines and yet nothing is ever done about that, we want to know how we're going to be able to afford to retire, how we are going to be able to raise our kids in a safe country, free from gang violence and drug wars, perpertrated by immigrants set on changing our country to suit their needs. Canadians want to know why we bend over backwards to wish people happy holidays, when it used to be Merry Christmas, Canadians care about Canada.

Personally I don't give a damn if a few Afghan prisoners are treated unfairly, that's not the country I care about. They will never live free from violence, oppression or a just and fair society. This is the reality of Afghanistan.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Woods

So it seems that without coming right out and saying it....Tiger has admitted to having his balls polished at the 19th hole. The 19th hole also known as cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs is still waiting for Tiger to give her a call...... Grubbs has admitted that she hopes Tiger is ok with her spilling her guts to the world, has kept 300 text messages of the affair, I guess she just wanted to have something to remember Tiger by when he stops calling. She does hope to reconnect with Tiger and remain good guess is that Tiger has already thrown her number out and is not interested in hitting anymore long balls her way......I don't think Tiger's wife will be too interested in kissing his putter for luck anytime soon.

Victoria's secret

As I couldn't sleep late last night I happened upon the Victoria Secret fashion show.......what struck me more than anything was that with a few exceptions these beautiful women were all quite shapeless.....they talked of the 3 square meals they eat everyday, as well as snacks.......I have to wonder what a square meal is to these super models. All decked out in feathers and bells and things in between.....I noticed a hiss coming from my wasn't until further inspection I realized that it wasn't the sound system at fault.....but simply the air escaping from the heads of these girls.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What's wrong with the system

Only in Canada

In Canada , instead of applying for Old Age Pension, you should rather apply for the Status of Refugee.

It is interesting to know that the federal Government of Canada allows :

A monthly pension of : $1,890.00 to a simple refugee
plus :
580.00 in social aid
A grand total of : $2,470.00 monthly
X 12 months
$28,920.00 annual income

By comparison, the Old Age Pension of a senior citizen who has contributed to the development of Our Beautiful Big Country during 40 or 50 years, CANNOT receive more than :

Amount/month $1,012.00 in Old Age Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement
X 12 months
$12,144.00 annual income

A difference of : $16,776.00 per year

Perhaps our senior citizens should ask for the Status of Refugees instead of applying for Old Age Pension.

Let us send this message to as many Canadians as possible, and maybe the allowance of refugee could then be reduced to $1,012.00, and that of our Canadian pensioners (who actually deserve it) may enjoy the money that they have been forced to disburse in income taxes for 40 or 50 years, switches from $1,012.00 to $2,470.00.


Monday, November 9, 2009

What's that smell I smell

For weeks now the pungent smell of skunk has drifted through our neighbourhood, as the weeks passed the smell got worse, until today I decided to check an abandoned garbage can, in the pool of water at the bottom lay a bloated and well dead skunk.

My big question: who the hell throws a skunk out in the garbage. Don't they know that you have to re-cycle and compost skunks now, why else would the city spend so much on green boxes.

See ya

In the once quiet neighbourhood that I've spent 9 years living in we've had our share of people coming and going, the latest neighbourly departure was at the insistance of the sherrif and when that didn't work the police dropped by to make sure that the Arab squatters and suspected drug runners were removed. Seems that some people really don't play by the rules, the head of the household a late teen early 20 something was not born in this country, his parents moved out months ago and headed back to their land of origin, leaving anoterh unemployed, uneducated criminal in this country......he should have been packed on a plane and returned to the war torn country he left for a "better" way in this country...........better way isn't crime.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Climate Change is coming

Citizens of Ottawa and across Canada should warned of the up coming climate change that will sweep the country in the months to come. Due to the suns dramatic withdrawal from the close proximity to this side of the earth temperatures will begin to drop, the roads will become ice covered as snow rips through the towns and cities.

We can expect the weather to remain like this for several months when a warming trend will once again return.

Monday, November 2, 2009

And in this corner Abdullah "the Abdullah" Abdullah

Seems that reighning Afghan champ Hamid "the corrupt" Karzai has won another battle without even stepping into the ring after his close and yet not quite as corrupt opponent Abdullah Abdullah withdrew due to what he says is because " a transparent election is not possible" The Karzai camp has stated that they are disappointed. Apparently the pay-per-view sales in Afghanistan were very low. The Western promoters have been scrambling to find another suitable and easily corrupted opponent to replace Abdullah. The UN governing body cried foul after the previous bout was poorly refereed. Tape from the bout showed several head butts and low blows that were allowed should have resulted in point deductions. In the first round alone over one million points were awarded to Karzai.

The referees and side judges have been suspended until the firing squad can be assembled.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pig flu symptoms

According to medical authorities the following symptoms are related to Pig Flu:

If you have a fever of 100 degrees or any of the following 2 symptoms.

Sore throat
Tired or fatigue
Aching muscles or joints
Runny nose

I have 2 or more of these on a regular basis... pretty much have at least 3 on a daily basis. Matter of fact, most people I know have 2 or more of these everyday.

These Flu symptoms are also related to:

West Nile
Bubonic Plague
Common Cold
Ebola Virus

Physical activities
Work related activities
Weather related activities
Just doing stuff activities
Sitting at the computer blogging too long activities

Pretty much everything known to man starts with these if you have any of these symptoms stop what you're doing....go home.....lock your doors and windows......and hide in your closet......because if you're this paranoid..... you're pretty much fucked.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's the Canadian way

We live in a country that is running backwards, a country where the minority dictates to the majority. A country with a government that bends over and kisses the ass of a single province, in order to stay elected... where french dominates all levels of government inspite of english being the langauge of the majority. We are so quick to apologize to anyone and everyone in order not to offend, even if we are not the ones that should be apologizing. We send athletes to compete and tell them it's ok not to win, just being there is it's not. Other countries compete to win and give the athletes the support system to be the best.

We have become a nation where being white and english has become a handicap, government and private sector businesses are being told to hire the visable minorities, it looks better. We are being lectured by rock stars who feel that we as a nation are not doing enough to re-green the planet, in the mean time they load up the trucks with their gear and haul it from country to country raking in millions of dollars, and they, sorry Bono, tells us we need to do more. We don't tell China to stop polluting, we just throw our business to them in order to save a few bucks so our Olympic athletes can feel comfortable wearing "Made if China" clothing at the Olympics in our own country.

We have politicians and big business telling us everything is going well, and getting better, but watch as they bail each other out, off the backs of the same people that put them there, but that's ok, it's all part of the Canadian way.........and it's all wrong.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hand shakes, high fives and things that go bump in the night

I recently attended a conference and the fear of pig flu wasn't mentioned, there were no "new" methods of greeting people, traditional hand shakes was the most popular method of saying hello to new and old friends.

People should wake up, give a quick head shake and stop scaring themselves into changing how they work and live. You're not likely going to get the pig flu, your chances of getting the pig flu are slim....your chances of getting struck by lightning is probably greater..........get a grip on your brains people.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The new vaccine is here..the new vaccine is here...

Drug companies have been paid $1.5 billion for pig flu vaccine, in addition to the $1.0 billion they had for the seasonal flu "pre-booked." World wide, the drug compaines have sold more than $20 billion in vaccine.

So does anyone have any doubts why the pandemic was created.

It was not tested long enough, drug companies and doctors can't say for sure it is safe.

Doctors get co-payments for booked injections.

This flu is no more deadly than the seasonal flu, in fact less dangerous.

The vaccine has been linked to paralysis.

This virus has seen it's claim to fame via the media. Incorrect facts and false statements continue to generate fear, most of the information is mixed and confused. The World Health Organization which has started the panic continues to send out information, but none of it is clear.

It is Y2K all over again.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Alex Cullen City Councillor or just an asshole

I listened to Alex Cullen speak today on the has been determined that he is both a city councillor and an asshole.....not just a run of the mill asshole but a five star asshole.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The death of Lansdowne Park

Members of Ottawa city council, members of the Glebe community and the Glebe business group have all come to the same conclusion that the parking lot known as Lansdowne Park should remain the unchanged. They will do whatever they can to kill any construction or rebuilding of the rusting and crumbling structures.

In November Ottawa City Council will vote to walk away from a deal that would see Lansdowne and the Glebe rebuilt. This money making operation for the City and the business group that is willing to pay a huge share of the costs will once again lose out. Lansdowne Park has not seen any improvement or changes in decades. It will die a slow death for generations to come.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Olympic "C"

Once again politics has ventured into the world of sports, seems that some Liberal members of parliament are C-ing red over the new Canadian Olympic clothing. At the heart of of it all, the big "C" on the front of the ugly clothing designed by Zellers for Zellers, from China, resembles the "C" being used by the Federal Conservative party logo.

When will politicians learn that the majority of Canadians really don't care about politics and generally see politicians as a useless waste of time and space. It's a big "C" kind of like the big "C" at the beginning of the word CANADA. I suppose the only way to fix it all would have been to have "CLNDPBLOCKGREEN" on the shoulder of the sweater, that way all the political parties are covered. Everyone would be happy except Mr CLNDPBLOCKGREEN........why is my name on all these made in China sweaters.

Ladies tuck your tits away

What's this country coming to when Montreal has cancelled their participation in the international breastfeeding challenge due to fears that hanging the nips out in public might open up the opportunity for pig flu to run where are the throngs of "hiding in the bushes" pigs going to go for their annual free boob fix?

It's just not fair.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What we should fear most

Every day we are being bombarded with the next generation of "could be a concern if" and what is the latest? the new super mosquito, although the chances of it finding it's way into Canada is very very slim, there is still a chance......afterall a case or two has been reported in europe and a couple of cases in the southern United States. What this made for tv mosquito carries is a virus so deadly that if you are bitten you will get sick with a flu like symptom, unlike the west nile which will infect you with a flu like the story goes it could also carry more than one virus......what we should fear most are the people that are put in charge of creating these fears........bring on the killer bees.....I'm still's only been 15 years.......snakes on a motherfuckin plane.......Anaconda......Frankenfish........doomed I say.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Olympic elbow tap

The Canadian Olympic Committee should be seems that in an effort to stop the "spread" of the deadly and over-rated pork flu the medical officer for the COC has suggested that contact by athletes be limited to tapping elbows instead of the traditional "high five" "cheek kiss" or I assume the "bum pat"

This shit has to stop........not only is it a stupid won't stop suggesting stupid things and stay out of how people celebrate........I'm pretty sure that after winning a gold medal an athlete is going to be thinking of swine flu.

Stupid is as stupid does

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Eco Green box stinks

Well once again the City of Ottawa has adopted a new much as the concept seems good up front......the cost of running this program is going to be over $13 million per year and with that we get to dump everything into these compost boxes... including meat........has anyone throught out what happens when you throw meat into a box that sits in the sun for 2 weeks? anyone wondered if the wildlife won't find the eco-box buffet a desireable treat...........will the flys not enjoy a new dumping ground........will the maggots respect the rancid food and just squiggle away........Starting in the new year our neighbourhoods will take on a new scent.........and everytime you catch a whif of that new scent...........think of Ottawa City Council........that's where the stink starts.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Abidiginals

So now that the body bags have been returned and the abi's are all dealing with the fact that they don't have anymore body bags............I sure hope that they don't end up needing any........I'm not interested in hearing "we need body don't care about us"

Oh and for the Cornhole group that has shut down the bridge started this shit the first created the problem in the first with drug, gun and cigarette running assholes can pretty much go fuck yourselves...........if you cared enough for "your people" as much as the feds do, you'd stop sucking on the hind tit of the hard working Canadian people and throw some of your casino money back to the reserves and helped educate "your people" .........maybe then you would gather some respect.........

Friday, September 18, 2009

Afghanistan.....time to leave

A country that doesn't care..........Canadians are dying for what........a country that doesn't care......the Taliban doesn't want a better country....they don't want help.........a single Canadian death is too much........132 dying in a country that doesn't want help.......times up........bring them home........if the politicians that are using these troops as pawns were in the same situation this conflict would never had happened........

Body bags and Indians

Health Canada sent a bunch of extra body bags to the first nations reserve in Manitoba the other day.........much to the disgust of the Chief's........Federal Ministers and members of Parliament were quick to condem the delivery..........the Chief's have proclaimed that "They've given up on us"........unfortunately this is how the Abi's react to everything........"give us money"....."give us our land back"........"give us an education"'s all about the "big give"............In this case the body bags were given as part of the pig flu emergency kits........when the flu shots are avaliable they will be given to the priority cases........and the Chiefs and close personal relatives will be getting their in a third world community...........and at high risk......they should be given the shots.......there will be unfortunate side effect of the flu......and the need for body bags is also a sad reminder that there will be deaths.........sending them back and complaining that it was insensitive was a typical reaction........the reaction by Government was also a typical and politically correct way of saying it was wrong........having body bags avaliable is better than keeping your loved ones in zip lock baggies..........if they weren't sent the bags they would complain that they weren't sent the bags............there are no winners in a game of losers...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

H1N1 Pork Rind

So as we embark on our next wave............although I don't remember the first wave as it never really happened............we are constantly bombarded with the "any day now" everyone will become crippled with the curly tail bug.........and who is it that is constantly spewing the fear......well the drug companies are in the great position to haul in billions of dollars for the vaccine to protect us all...........the governments worldwide want everyone to get a shot of an untested new drug.........well there was some testing........apparently 130 people were given the vaccine and they didn't get the flu.....nor did they have any adverse reactions to it..........well good for them...........will I be getting a flu shot? Not a chance..........the vaccine won't be avaliable until november........weeks after the flu season starts..........weeks after the US has already had their shots...........I'll take my chances on this the mean time......I hope the drug companies enjoy their massive profits generated on fear.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ottawa City Council again

Ok so here it is....................what the fuck is wrong with these people................sign a contract for light rail transit.........elect new mayor and cancel the light council agrees to pay the $37 million in penalties for the day same city council that wanted the light rail in the first place that cancelled it decides that they should have it..........but wait there's more..............they cancelled it because it wasn't a good plan and it would have cost 1 billion dollars.............this new one will only cost $250 million.............problem is still going the wrong direction and it's still a bad as I said............What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Africentric alternative school in Toronto

Africentric..........give me a friggin break.........say it like it is nothing less than racial segregation. In Toronto the graduation of blacks from high school is less than 60%, so having a school dedicated to teaching them black history is going to help them how? This school is going to isolate black youth in Toronto where racial problems are already a concern..........Public meetings in Toronto showed that many were in favour of this "Africentric" school as it would help the "disproportionate number of underachieving black youth" It is to help the black students who feel misunderstood in the public system.............funny thing is, black leaders in the community of come out against the school. According to the Toronto School Board if it is successful it will be open to all races..........and if it is a failure, and if the student failure rate at this school is the same as before..........then what spin will the advocates of racial segregation come up with as to why it one to blame but themselves.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Swine Flu update

I know that the swine flu isn't called the swine flu anymore........offended the pig farmers enough I now that the global panic has gone to defcon 12 and everyone that doesn't get a flu shot is at risk of becoming a zombie and feeding off the flesh of those that didn't get the shot.............well I'm still not afraid of no ghosts...........we were told to watch and see how bad the pig shit would hit down under and much to the surprise of well everyone but WHO.......OZ and the Kiwi's are still alive.......seems the flu didn't hit them as hard as the the drug compaines how bad will it be when the pork rind infects the entire population of Canada...........all I know is that I have long handled shovel ready to swing at any swine flu zombies that come my the meantime..........relax...........wash your hands using some bio-bacterial wash that kills all the immunity you may build up............keep them bugs sanitized...........WHO knows why.

What's wrong with Ottawa City Council

Well besides everything............we have a city council interested in getting re-elected.... they attend council meetings and apart from a few of the outspoken few..........unfortaunately they are the worst bunch...........have no voice when it comes to anything positive..... I spent two weeks in PEI..... a province of 140,000.... they just hosted the Canada Games... a big project for a small province.... I was just in Sherbrooke.... they are hosting the next Canada Games.... another big project for a small community.........and in Ottawa.....a big community............council can't even get any shit together to put a small project into election...........bring out the brooms......they all need to be swept to the to bottom......they have to go........they are a group with no direction......and they should have no future with this city.

Ottawa Senators

They will have another losing defence...........Dan Heatley distraction............hey hey hey good bye

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Personal Space

The very definition of personal space puts our comfort zone at 27.5 inches on each side of us, When we board airplanes our comfort zone is greatly reduced, generally to about 10 inches. I boarded a plan from Charlottetown to Halifax, a quick jump, so dealing with the personal space wasn't really such a big deal, unless you are sitting next to "the big deal" Not necessarly a tall man, but it did seem that his testicles must have been the size of bowling balls has he found it almost impossible to keep his legs closed, or perhaps he just enjoyed the personal touch of my leg, he also seemed to have a problem with his elbows as I found them firmly placed into "my seat space" the zone seperated by the arm rest. His stomach rolled out over his belt like a beachball looking for a place to rest.

If you're going to fly, respect the rules of zones, arm rest is neutral. if you cross that neutrel zone you are invading the personal zone.

Respect the zone.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Canada Games moment

A friend and I stopped by the swimming pool at the University of Prince Edward Island to have a look at the venue before the swimming starts in a couple of days. We were met by a young lady who quickly refused our entry to the pool area as it wouldn't be fair, because we would be cheating, seems that 2 guys in their 50's looked like swimmers in their late teens, as flattered as we were, we explained that we were not athletes but photographers and just wanted to see the pool, we had the correct accreditation to be there and assured her that we would be less than 2 minutes.........I even offered her a Canada Games pin........she said she would rather keep her job.........after a few moments she got up walked 10 feet to an unlocked door and let us in........there was the pool....we looked, I gave her a Canada Games pin.....thanked her and then realized that this young blond was destinted for great things in her future.......most likely in the food services industry........the bulb was not bright in her lamp.

Friday, August 14, 2009

When expectations are High

It's always a hard pill to swallow when you set your expectations too high and then find out that the results are way too low. It's not that I always expect alot, but when I expect the basic needs to be met and then find out that not even those can be had, it just makes some days tough to deal with.

We should know better than to put ones fate in the hands of people that just don't understand.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A short story: The black guy and the van

Once upon a time there was this black guy who pulled a u-turn in the middle of a 4 lane highway and nearly collected a couple of other cars..........including mine..........He is an asshole.

The end.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


What were they thinking? I have heard that they are very comfortable, but come on people, they are the uglest shoes ever designed.........these croc wearing foot fashion assassins wear socks with them, and believe that will make it ok to wear them with a suit or a dress...........well it doesn't............toss the crocs and wear black socks with brown sandals instead, it looks way better.......

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Resturant in Edmonton

So before I left Edmonton I had dinner at the Coast resturant, it was a banquet this time, and I didn't have to pay for dinner, so how much should I complain......I dragged an 8 inch piece of red hair out of my mouth that was still attached to the stuffing I had just stuffed..............It's a great feeling, the gag reflex jumps in to action........and now the thought of what else have I consumed in this meal............will I head out for seconds........nope.......I'll pass on the eyebrows or toenails...........mmmmmm hair.........

The Edmonton redeye

So today I left Edmonton heading to Ottawa at 1am, there was a reason, although I'm not so sure what the reason is right now, being without any real sleep for 36 something hours does that..........I had great plans to catch a few hours sleep on the plane, however Air Canada had other thoughts. I was comfortably falling asleep before we left the runway, and well on my way to a 3 hour slumber before I was told by the guy flying the plane, lets call him dick...his real name is captain rodney, close enough, he announces how long it will take us to get to Toronto and what the weather is like...........I don't care, it's 1:30 am and the weather forecast is dark, he then says we'll keep the announcements to a minimum "so you can get some rest" Oh wait, as I start to drift off again they have to tell me that it is dark in Toronto in the other official language, and then the lights come on as flight attendent Larry wanders the asiles pushing the old food for sale.........Larry it's 2am wrap it up, people are trying to sleep........Larry is followed by the lovely Tiffany...............headsets...headsets...headsets......headsets...Sorry Tiff, it's 2am and people are not watching TV. Then the lights go out, but we have to deal with 10 more announcements, everything long the flight is, "make sure your setbelt is on as we are experiencing turbulance", geez guys I figured that out on my own..........and "you are now only going to get 2 hours of sleep, before we wake you up to ask if you want a coffee", no thanks Larry, trying to sleep here..............the lights were out, and the sun was now coming eyes on this trip.......and my last red eye flight.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Coast hotel resturant review

Today in Edmonton I decided to have a quick bite in the magnificent dining room at the The Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel... picking a safe lunch of turkey soup with rice, and a chicken ceasar wrap.........two things I figured impossible to screw up....however I was mistaken. My first bite into the thin cardboard wrap material revealed a tasteless chunk of chicken, that I believe must have died of old age.... a certain lack of garlic dressing was the next flavour not to tingle my tastebuds......strike one. My soup was a thin weak flavourless pale broth that revealed a multitude of celery and an overwhelming lack of turkey, the promised rice was not to be found...strike two. My waitress who was probably one of the early settlers in Edmonton disappeared shortly after dropping lunch on my table, I assumed that she had simply passed away, and hailed another waitress to get a coffee refill and my bill. I left a tip fitting the the cook.....strike three and I'm out of here.

Monday, July 27, 2009

World Vison

As much as it is probably a very worthy and caring charity............what's so wrong with helping out the familes in this country? We don't have the celebrities, athletes and fame chasers doing the TV ads sponsoring the starving kids in Canada, I suppose to them it's more meaningful to support some fly clustered kid in a third world country........looks better on the resume.

Charity starts at home.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Everything is wrong with Ottawa

I live in a beautiful and parinoid city, the capital city of Canada, and what's wrong with it, well everything...........we ticket tourists, we have bylaw officials that harass people without using any reason or understanding....we have laws and rules and and rules to the laws, and most are so outdated........the people that govern this city, do so without thought. The citizens of this city that try to make things a little nicer are told not can't plant flowers there, that tree is in the wrong place, take that fence down, put that fence up, let the weeds grow..........unless the city says to cut them, if you don't they cut them and fine you.........but you can't spray them. Lets have a huge concert, Bluesfest..........but make sure that you keep the noise down, don't have fun, you'll offend someone.........we'll give you a "having too much fun ticket"

The worst part..........there is nothing that anyone will ever do to change it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The obliviously oblivious people

It's a simple thing to walk in a straight line, however some people oblivious to the fact that other people are moving around them within the same dimention, and in some cases the deeply oblivious stop, turn, change lanes and try to share the same space. These oblivious people will never change, they don't have the understanding that they are deeply oblivious, how could they, they're oblivious.

They walk into a room and stand in the doorway so people behind them can't get in, they stand in places that cause the bottlenecks, they are the obliviously oblivious.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The apple eater

Today I watched a pregnant woman eating an apple on the metro in Montreal, it wasn't so much that she was eating an apple, it was that she was flicking bits of onto empty seats, and onto the floor beside seems that she figured no one was watching her...........I guess this is an acceptable practice in the country she arrived from.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Global warming

It seems as though the fear mongers of global warming have been pretty much totally wrong. Here it is July 8th in the wonderful city of Montreal and I would have been wearing my winter clothes given the opportunity. Global warming has missed Canada, perhaps it's warmer in Africa or the outback of Australia, but it isn't happening here.

David Suzuki and Al Gore can both kiss my frozen ass.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Singing the praise of MJ

He shared his bed with little boys, he would dangle his kid out a window, it was said he slept in a hyperbolic chamber that would increase his life to 150 years, oops, I want my money back. He used child actor Emmanuel Lewis as a fashion accessory at the Grammy Awards. Having sleep overs with Macaulay Culkin, bogus wedding to Lisa Marie, blond hair and blue eyed children, if genetics have any say, it is an impossible combination with a once upon a time black man, but anything is possible in Neverland, after all it was possible for an attractive black man to become an ugly white beat it.

Micheal Jackson memorial tickets

What are the odds that the "random" giving away of tickets for the star studded Micheal Jackson memorial and circus ( I hope bubbles has a ticket) would turn into a dream event for online scalpers. Anything to make a dollar I suppose, or in the ebay case 10 thousand dollars to sit in an arena and listen to people praise the very talented sideshow freak. I suppose if he was cremated it really would have been more of a roast.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Walking the streets of Montreal

As I slowly strolled along St Catherine street in Montreal people watching, it struck me how many beautiful women there are, they however are in the minority to the sleaze that oozes from the cracks in the sidewalks. The pimps hanging outside the strip clubs praising the "beauties" that wait inside, along with the free buffet, yummy. The Escalades parked outside the designer stores blasting re-mixes from bad 80's tunes, that now include bass only Pete Tong could appreciate.

Homeless coin chasers stand with hats and plates, offering up no entertainment for the hard earned coins I didn't toss their way, the looks of total despair on the weather beaten faces make me wonder what happened along their way through life that has them curled up on a street corner.

I never did find the art store I was looking for, I believe it was swallowed up by yet another shoe store.

St Catherines street never the same, and always the same.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Environment Canada admits to being useless

Environment Canada has admitted that they are only 45% right most of the time, not even a passing grade in any situation.........they are useless.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hazards of Going Green

Compact Fluorescent Bulbs contain a small amount of mercury, a heavy metal that has been linked to child development problems and damage to unborn development. The compact flourescent bulbs are quite safe unless they are broken, at which point the mercury can become airborn. What is recommended, leave the room for at least 15 minutes, use a wet cloth to clean up the broken glass and powder. So at what point is it safe to use these bulbs........I don't use do you dispose of them? well if you're the average homeowner that uses them, you'll probably just toss them in the garbage where they end up in the now that you've done your part for the environment by changing to the flourescent you've tossed mercury into the ground and eventually seeping into the water system.

Well thanks a whole lot for poisioning the water table..........was it worth the warm fuzzy feel good you had helping the environment?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Canadian Immigration

As the baby boomers get older and the requirements for incresed medical care becomes more important and necessary, the influx of older immigrants moving to Canada is now starting to put stresses on this health system. Immigrants in their 50's and 60's that arrive in Canada are handed social and health assistance without ever paying anything into it, this mentality has to end. Immigrants coming to Canada should have to work and pay into the Canadian health and social system for a minimum of 10 years before being eligible for any health or social assistance......Canada should not be the welfare dumping ground of international Immigration....Canada and Canadians simply cannot afford it.

Canada was built on immigrants, these immigrants were handed very little, they worked hard and they helped build this country.........they didn't arrive with hands open looking for a free ride...... Unfortunately immigration now includes the free why work when the free cheque is delivered to them.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Wacko kicks it

The death of Micheal Jackson, according to some, has rocked and shocked people all over the with the death of those idolized, it usually happens..........I didn't know him personally so I don't feel good, bad or indifferent. He was talented, he was strange, and he enjoyed the company of children..........he became creepy looking with the nips and tucks becoming hacks and chops. In recent weeks he was training with Lou Ferrigno, former Hulk and world class body builder. Years of drug abuse as a result of constant surgery would take it's toll on the slight Jackson...........he has moon walked six feet down, and it didn't matter if he was black or white.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Road Rage

So tonight I had the opportunity of experiencing a little road rage.......mine. It seems that some people feel that it is ok to just cut in front of a car travelling at 100km per hour while they decide if doing 80km per hour is ok........well it's not the correct thing to I pulled up next to the suv I glanced over at the driver........the black driver looking back at me as if I had done something wrong..............I understand why people get shot in cars on highways now.

So as in an earlier message today's asshole driver has been crowned..........lucky number 12.

Common Courtesy

As you go out on your daily travels remember one thing: If someone is kind enough to allow you in place ahead of them, especially when driving, give them a little wave's a simple gesture that takes no time at all and will have the other driver saying "you're welcome"..... as opposed to............what an's your choice...........I personally witnessed 5 assholes today and 1 you're welcome.

Revised: After spending more time in the car today I have to upgrade the assholes to 11, with a couple falling into the catagory of complete assholes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cows Burps and global warming

It seems that scientists in Alberta don't have anything better to do than try to stop cows from the story goes, cows are responsible for nearly three quarters of the earths methane emissions, this according to environment Canada.......what environment Canada didn't say was that the POE (probability of emissions) was only 50% but that the POE that resinate from a cows ass was nearly 100%.

What these "genius" scientists haven't been told is that the global temperature is expected to drop for the next three decades, then what.........I say let the cows burp and fart......lets keep this planet warm.

City of Ottawa councillors are concerned that the methane they let fly is also partly responsible..... they have decided to do a study on how they can be less full of almost impossible task.

Monday, June 22, 2009

IRAN part deux

Seems that a few extra votes went astray.........3 million......but's that's ok, according to officials, well it was the fans of Mahmoud Ahmadinejaddydowopadiddy that says 3 millions votes wouldn't change things.......of course they wouldn't.

Garbage men strike in Toronto

Not that I'm a big fan of're garbage men, it's not like you have a tough job, it's not like you don't make good money, it's not like you need a degree in garbology to pick up cans, it's not like you even have to be don't be assholes.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Obama the ninja bug killer

So PETA is upset because the Pres wacked a fly, what was he thinking, I'm guessing the endangered house fly population has dropped to somewhere around a 100 billion. It's not like he used a club to wack the fly and skin it, he could have simply grabbed it and pulled it's wings off. I thought the White house was a secure place, it may have been a PETA planted bug.

PETA protects flys and flys like to hang around shit, they are made for each other.


So is anyone surprised with if a fair election was going to happen...........oh wait didn't that happen in the USA when George jr was handed the election because some votes went missing in Florida..........Politics.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tories suggest paying inmates for rehab

I thought that being an inmate meant that you had done a crime that suggested you spend time behind bars. What the Federal government is now suggesting is that they pay the 20% that refuse to seek rehab a bonus for going to rehab. I have a better suggestion..........don't pay them, don't cater to them, don't give them tv or computers or anything else they would find in the outside world...........they are criminals, they surrendered their rights when they broke the law, treat them like the pond scum of society they really are.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Friends of Lansdowne Park

First of all, you can't be friends with a piece of land, second of all, these people are mentally stagnant, like a swamp, nothing moves but the parisites that infest the water........this small group of people are the parisites that infest Ottawa. Like all parisites they crawl around and annoy, and like all parisites they should be swatted.

Face Piercings

I can appreciate the need to make a personal statement with piercings, but when they just look like's not a mirror and don't ask your friends to be honest, they will lie.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Fat Walk

Have you ever noticed how obese people walk, they have to lean backwards, thighs rubbing together and a pronounced shuffle......this is the fat walk.

Sadly the down side to being a few lards overweight is wearing the soles off shoes, the loss of penis size, and eventual complete visual loss due to "line of sight" limitations. In women the "GUNT" becomes something of issue, that is when the Gut hangs down lower than the C**T.

The bigger issues are that being obese can cause:

Sleep apnea
High blood pressure
Heart attack
Heart failure
Prostate cancer
Colon cancer
Being banned from buffets
Being banned from airplanes
Having to buy clothes at a tent makers

If you are obese or are living in a dream world of denial, fix it............just FIX IT.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Really really fat people

Enough is enough.............skip a couple of meals

Possible Federal election this summer

Ya ok, go ahead, let the Liberals take a shot at it, if they end up with a miniority government, then the Conservatives and the NDP can shit all over them just like the Liberals have done. NDP leader Jack Layton spews his "Canadians want to know" well Jack I have a surprise for you, no we don't, the average Canadian doesn't give a shit, the average Canadian is sick of listining to politicians tell us what is good about the country, instead of telling us what's wrong with it...........and what's wrong........pretty much everything.

Gun control..........registery hasn't done a thing
Sex offenders registery......hasn't lead to a single arrest.
Immigration...........close the door not everyone should be welcomed with open arms.
Youth the crime, spend the rest of your life in jail.
Social policies that hand out drugs to the scum of society because they need them.
Our transportation system.......roads are falling aparts
Our border......just one big hole
Indians........just why do we keep giving them billions of dollars?
Health system.........wait times are too long
The list goes on.


Why do we keep putting money into this 3rd world dust bowl, the troops try and re-build it and the taliban destroy it...........Canada has to stop pouring money into operations that are going nowhere........unfortunately the regular Hafizullah bin bombin is probably a pretty good guy, but why do we sacrifice our military to protect him when it is becoming more obvious that Canada is not welcome in Afganistan.

Time to pack up and come home.

The bus driver

I took the bus today and the driver was a jerk, I guess making above average money with good benefits and little education can make you grumpy........

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Stupidity Pandemic

Is it just me or are all politicians really stupid? There should be an alert, it seems that the stupidity of politicians is spreading. It's pretty much a worldwide problem, every country deals with it. I can only speak of Canadian politicians as I listen to the thoughts drain from their phlegm filled heads on daily basis. I have finaily come to the conclusion that I don't want to listen to any of it anymore..........The Liberals are all over the Conservatives for not dealing with the aging reactor in Chalk River, but during the 53 years the reactor has been online the Liberals were responsible for 26 years, many of those years during a time when it was nearing it's end and would have required more upkeep. It is very hard for the Liberals to point fingers when they were also responsible for maintaining the reactor. The Liberals were all over the Conservatives for not putting enough money into stimulate the economy, but when the Conservatives did add additional money to the package the Liberals complained that it was too much money.............they spew stupidity at every's a pandemic.

Monday, June 8, 2009

On being Politically Correct........ fuck it

Why should I be, why should I be forced to agree with people from another country that are more concerned about what's wrong with this country and less about what's wrong with them. They can't drive, they don't speak my language and yet they expect me to understand them, if I disagree with their point of view I am a racist. If being a racist is being white and being born in this country then I am a racist, if you are black and call me a racist then you can pretty much just pack up your bags and get out of my home, this is not your home........chances are you came from a country that is at war, and is divided by race or religion, you turned your back and fled like a coward in the night instead of staying and doing something about it. When I read in the papers that one of your own has blown himself up and taken innocent lives I don't shed a tear, I don't really care, it is a war that your own people have brought on themselves.

We deal with enough political correct crap in this country without having to deal with the political crap from another country. Our politicians are so concerned about being elected and chasing the ethnic votes that they have forgotten about us poor white folk that have been forced to take a back seat and shovel the shit while "new canadians" are handed the golden key to the country.

I have been passive way too long with what annoys me, it is time to stand and say enough is enough.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Snatch this penis from my hand grasshopper

So it seems that David Carradine may have been the victim of his own hand while practicing and apparently not succeeding in the ancient art of autoerotic asphyxiation. Carradine found naked and well hung in a Thai closet died while pulling his kwai chang caine.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Time to circle the wagons

The Mohawks have taken over the border crossing at Cornwall. Get all the wagons together, load them up and just move the outpost off the native land, build a new bridge that doesn't cross Mohawk territory and then close the current bridge to the Casino........problem solved

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Politicians..lie...cheat..get re-elected

Politicians don't care, they never have, they never will, they pretend to, they fabricate their own truths to justify the juvenile attitudes they pass off in the "interest" of doing the right thing. They lie and they cheat and look the other way when they are wrong, they don't find themselves accountable for any of their own actions, regardless of the impact they may have. If they are in power, they spend more..........using taxpayers money to pad their own pensions, they fight to stay elected for themselves, not for anyone else. If they are in opposition, they oppose anything and everything, regardless of what it is or if it would be "good" for the country, that's not their "job", their job is to oppose everything, in hopes of becoming the power that spends the money.

The slick side of oil companies

It seems that the world is now falling into a new oil crisis, appartently we have "used" up all the cheap oil and now finding and refining oil will become more expensive, oil prices predicted to jump well over $100/barrel. Gas prices will make it more difficult to drive anywhere, except to the bank to get the gas cash. These same oil companies that were crying when prices were low, still had huge profits, now that the "artificial collapse" of the economy is turing around, they can be happy with the thoughts of record profits again...........thanks to the screwing of the public once again. There is oil, there will always be oil, certainly in my lifetime...........but the oil giants needed a new catch phrase to justify the increase in oil.

May I have more Isotopes please.......

Ya so another minister left some papers behind, shit happens, the scape goat gets shoved into the volcano and life goes in the House of Cards. We the people have been hooked for $1.7 Billion since 2006 to help feed the Chalk River Laboratory where most of the Canadian medical isotopes are produced, an aging facility that should have been maintained and upgraded by previous governments, afterall medical isotopes are considered important to everyone except it seems the government. Chalk river shut down May 14th.

Ministers in the current government are playing the blame game again......"we're just cleaning up a Liberal mess" Liberals are blaming the Conservatives. No one will claim responsibility, it's the way government works.

The Living Wage......another brain dead plan

Once again Ottawa has been gifted with the brilliance of City councillor Alex Cullen, the left wing socalist, begging the poor for votes in an election that is years away. Alex Cullen has decided to throw his pinhead size hat into the ring and run for mayor. Cullen has proposed that the City of Ottawa start paying a living wage to people the city employes, contractors and anyone else that does business with the city. What he wants is to increase the minimum wage for this group of people from $9.50 to $13.25. Why this group would "deserve" more money than the rest of the minimum wage workers in Ottawa is beyond my thinking. The City of Ottawa is already overtaxed, seniors, pensioners and low income familes see savings vanish at the hands of the tax houdinis. We have property taxes, sewer taxes, land taxes, tree taxes, taxes on what we buy, what we eat, where we go, what we drive. How Cullen thinks that his plan won't raise taxes again is is simply another politician tossing the low income a bone in hopes of getting elected........... Ottawa doesn't need him or his delusional ideas.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

What's up with this

So it seems that A&E, the Arts and Entertainment network has some serious issues with Arts and Entertainment. For those of you that have seen the movie True Lies there is a scene in which Jamie Lee Curtis does a very tasteful and entertaining dance, if you've seen the movie you know what I am talking about, if you haven't seen the movie and are a normal hetrosexual male, bisexual male, bisexual female, or lesbian, the dance scene is worth watching, unless it's on A&E. It seems that seeing Jamie Lee's beautiful bottom is offensive to someone at A&E, as it is blurred out...........really people........give me a's a bum in a thong.

Who at A&E decides what is offensive, and what kind of life do they have........I can't even guess who would find Jamie Lee's bum offensive.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Environment Canada warning

They have announced just now that there is a possibility of 50mm of rain, it's just a possibility, I guess the rain dice they threw came up snake eyes. More on this when it happens.

Total rainfall.................a shower.............right again.

Canadian politics

What a bunch of fucking idiots..........spend money, don't spend money, I just want my six years and my full pension, fuck the rest. The Conservatives come up with an idea, the Liberials don't like it, but they also don't offer any help in finding a solution, it's easy to oppose everything, especially if they don't have anything to offer. The NDP would drive Canada into the hole for ever, and the Block should all be in jail for treason.

The bottom line is they are all self serving, don't offer help, don't have any ideas, they just suck on the Nations tit and hope to stick around long enough to collect on a pension greater than pretty much every other Canadian will ever receive.

They are a bunch of children playing for the cameras everday, it's all a big joke.

Animal Rights

The animal rights groups seem more interested in protecting animals and less interested in the people that need animals to live. In many areas of Canada and around the world animals are the only food source, they are part of a culture, part of a long standing way of life, and these animal rights groups want to take all that away from them. I have no time for any of these self righteous hypocrites. Celebrities jump on the animal bandwagon to help keep their miserable and unfulfilled lives going. They jump on a cause to give themselves a reason to explain their pathetic and fake lives.

These people disrupt the lives of other people, without thought for what they are doing, they can't be reasoned with, they see it in black and white. I love animals, many of them taste pretty good, they others all taste like chicken. I have never had seal meat but can only believe that it must taste ok. I have had dog meat and it tastes ok, beef, chicken, pork, turkey, and pretty much everything else are raised for the purpose of food, clothing, income. I would find it difficult to believe that all these people have never had anything made of an animals hide, that they never ate any animal products. They are hypocrites, they are a waste of time, they should get a life.

City of Ottawa proposed transit system

What is wrong with these people that they seem to believe it is a project worth doing. Well 16 City Councillors believe that it is possible to drill a tunnel under the City of Ottawa, spend $1.4 billion dollars on a tunnel that will run from one side of the city to the other side and yet it won't help the transit sytem at all. This project is not a wise project, all it will end up doing is backing up traffic behind the trains at the beginning of the train route and at the other end.

These people have to go, they are a bunch of short sighted idiots, each one looking for a legacy project that they can say they are part of, it will be a financial disaster for the City of Ottawa.

Friday, May 22, 2009

National Gallery of Canada

Today I had the pleasure of strolling through the pride of the Canadian Art World, the National Gallery of Canada. As room after room of "art" unfolded in front of me I couldn't help wonder, "Have I lost my mind" am I so ignorant of what is art and what is rocks on a hardwood floor, what is "257 pieces of felt" on a hardwood floor, did I walk into a room they are renovating and these are the left over pieces piled carefully awaiting the dumpster in back. The flourescent lights nailed to wall, titled "flourescent lights" or something along those lines. This is art, this is valuable art. As I ventured though the endless piles of art it reminded me of walking through a dog run, being careful not to step in or on anything. I was intrigued by a clear plastic box that sweats, "the condensation cube" the "black steel box" the "box with four pieces of wood painted red" I thought magnificent, Canadian artists are standing the art world on their heads, the colour, the design, the total crap. As I left the building I thought to myself, "A piece of steel painted red, a fling of monkey poo" I was almost brought to tears, I could be a Canadian artist, I could title it.........."Monkey poo on Red Steel" it's almost to brilliant.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just when you thought it ws safe to be on the roads

So tonight while driving home and sitting at a stop waiting to forge ahead I was almost hit by an elderly black gentleman drivng his small car like a transport truck making a wide right turn........he almost seemed confused as he stared out the side window at me, it was dark and the street lights weren't all that bright........ but what I found amusing was the big roof top sign board that proudly displayed the "Driving School" he worked for.

Swine Flu........further developments

I was right.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Things I believe are true

I will be updating this list as I discover new and exciting things.

Being Politically correct is not correct.

I meant to add this the other day........I procrastinate.

I haven't always learned from my mistakes.

I haven't always given 100%.

Getting even is something better left for next season.
Video games are suppose to be challenging.........just like pong was.
Everything in Life matters.
Never regret anything that makes you laugh.
Not all eco-friendly products are eco or friendly.

Not all Asians are bad drivers.....the rest are passengers.
Not all African-Americans are African, have ever been to Africa or are likely to ever discover any roots in Africa.
Not all politicans are crooked, the rest haven't figured it out yet.
Porn stars fake orgasms
Fake breasts aren't really fake, they are just in an altered state.
Professional athletes are grossly overpaid.......and I'd take the money as well.
Professional wrestling is fake, but the wrestlers are still amazing athletes.
Weather forecasters are like snake oil sales men.......I don't believe what they have to sell.
Not all blonds are dumb........I wrote this really slow for the dumb ones though.
Not all black drivers and bad drivers..........the rest are Asian.
I respect those that respect me, my family and my country, those that don't can leave anytime they want........... in fact I'll drive you to the airport.
I believe a handshake is still as good as a bad so many others don't.
I have great respect for the police, firefighters and the military..........and all are underpaid.
I am confused easily............what was I writing about again.
I would make a lousy Wallmart greeter.
Things sold at the buck or two, aren't usually worth a buck or two.


Don't know if this is just a sick coincidence but....

2007 - Chinese year of the Chicken - Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts of Asia
2008 - Chinese year of the Horse - Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing
2009 - Chinese year of the Pig - Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds around the globe.

Has any one else noticed this???!!!!!!!!!!!!! It gets worse........ next year...... 2010

Chinese year of the Cock - what could possibly go wrong?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tamils-not Canadian

As the protests by the "Tamil-Canadians" continue in Toronto I find myself disgusted at this group of people which have chosen to use their children as pawns in a cause they have no understanding of. The parents of these children, many who were born in Canada and are by rights Canadian are being handed microphones and prompted to shout "stop the genocide in my country" there is no genocide in their country, their country is Canada, the genocide is apparently happening in the country their parents have run away from. What their parents are teaching them is wrong, it is teaching them hate. If the parents of these children hate what is going on in their country of Sri lanka then they should take the hate back to Sri Lanka and fight for their country. As long as they use "Tamil-Canadian" they are not, and never will be Canadian. They are dragging their own children into their world of hate and will never allow them to grow up as Canadians. It is right for them to teach their children about Sri Lanka, teach the children the customs of Sri Lanka, and at the same time, teach their children why they have chosen to leave Sri Lanka to live in Canada.

Teaching children hate will only ever create adults who hate. They are the future, and they are shaping their future in a most destructive way, and worst of all, the children don't even understand why. Terriorists learn from their parents, children terriorists are taught to avenge the deaths of their people at the hands of their own people, other children. What they don't do is allow their children to grow up without wanting to inflict hate on others. The Tamils are raising the next generation of hate. In this country of Canada, they have no right to do so.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Swine flu update

I'm happy to report that there are 33,212,454.5 people in Canada that have not been infected by the pig flu. On a greater note, just over 4500 people out of 6.77 billion on the planet unfortunately do have the pig flu.

If you start to grow a little curly tail, snort alot and have an overwhelming desire to roll around in mud, see your doctor immediately.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I thought I'd seen it all

So today in the grocery store I watched a woman counting the slices in a package of bologna, thinking there was a reason, I watched as she put that package down and picked up another package and started counting again.........really it's friggin bologna.

The Economic Cull

Culling is the process of removing animals from a group based on specific criteria. This is done in order to either reinforce certain desirable characteristics or to remove certain undesirable characteristics from the group. For livestock and wildlife, the process of culling usually implies the killing of animals with undesirable characteristics.

Some of the top ecnomic minds and governments have now come out and said that the recession looks like it has run its course and the economy is now on the road to recovery.

What really happened was an economic cull, as by definition all the undesirable people and groups have been removed, the huge banks and insurance companies collapsed and the weaker employees are removed. So what is left to cull? the auto industry will be forced into mergers with other groups, the unions will collapse and thinned. The auto giants see the unions as a group with undesirable characteristics and should be removed to preserve themselves. The thinning of the herd, in order to save the greed at the top.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day walkers

We've all seen them, these are boys and girls, men and women that wander the streets oblivious as to how they vampires they don't own mirrors........they dress in closets void of light. The baseball caps on sideways, seemingly too tight to fit down over their own pin heads. Pants that drag along the ground as they shuffle through the malls like zombies in search of a brain. The girls with the muffin top fat pouring over the too tight pants, rings of goo circle their chubby bodies, when counted like a tree, reveals their age. Faces void of expression, personalized by pieces of metal protruding from their "never to be employed" flesh. These are the day walkers.

Many of them seem to travel in groups, migrating to food courts in search of their next grease fix, they slop down gravy ladden fries, washing it down with a red bull, just to keep the energy level up while the sound of fat feet scrape across the floor. We've all seen them, we've been repulsed by them, and we've laughed at them. This is the world of the day walker, homes without mirrors and friends without taste.

Environment Canada: The official weather guessers

Is there any other job in the history of the world that is as easy as a job at environment canada? Where else can you be consistantly wrong and still be employed, all you have to do is say for the next 5 days it is going to be sunny and warm with a chance of showers, and if it is cloudy and cold with rain, everyone just says, well they were wrong again, and nothing happens. If they call for rain and it is sunny, people are happy that they are wrong, but nothing happens. They promote themselves as the most accurate weather forecasters, and yet they aren't accurate at all, they aren't even accurate 50% of the time. How easy a job is that?

The probably of precipitation is 50%, how is that even accurate, how is that not just a guess, if they even say the POP is 5% and it rains, they are correct, how is that right?

Do we even need anyone telling us what the weather is going to do, with the shifts in weather patterns it is more difficult to predict, or guess or roll the weather dice and say what it's going to be like outside. The easier method, hang a string out the window, if the string is wet, it's raining, if the string is flying straight out, it's windy, and if the string is dry, it's sunny.

More WHO updates

As predicted earlier the pig flu and the bird flu will mutate and we will have the Pigs Can Fly Flu or the PCFF-09. According to WHO, the World Hysterical Organization this "super flu" will result in great globs of pig shit falling from the sky, infected with the Mexican/Asian Flu, a dangerous mutant as it is a lazy flu that can't drive. On a more local note my next door neighbour has the mad cow flu, a potentially fatal flu as it results in stupidity. The symptoms include an overwhelming desire to have children by multiple fathers, invite strangers to move in and then argue with them late at night, have no rational parenting skills and pretend to be a nice person by any means possible while spewing lies.

In order to keep some of the facts about the flu in order. There are 3 types of flu.

Type A affects:


Type B is only human and is less severe than type A but sometimes it's more severe than type A.

Type C doesn't cause epidemics.

Dog Flu affects:


Hong Kong Flu 1968-69
Spanish Flu 1918
Asian Flu 1957-58
Avian Flu
The One Flu over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Something about drivers

So as I make my way around the roads always watching and waiting for the next demonstration of stupidity I constantly wonder how some of these people manage to avoid the road rage that they cause. Being oblivious to the world around them really isn't an excuse to be a poor driver, unfortunately they don't believe that they are poor drivers. When they get home do they complain to anyone that will listen about how they got honked at, sworn at, and single finger gestured at, and yet not figure it out that there was a reason for the reactions from other drivers. What they see is that the rest of the drivers are really rude and impatient.

Everyday I witness, incorrect lane changes, speeding, signal left turn right, no signal at all, and a host of other near misses. What these people seem to forget is that they are behind the wheel of 2000lbs of metal, capable of creating a great mass of carnage in a split second, and when they do, they take no personal responsibility for their actions, but shift the blame to someone else.

Canada's worst driver, a great show to watch, however these people are bad drivers for a reason and they are not taught to be good drivers, what they are taught is to be better drivers than the other worse drivers on the show. What it is like, having a group of murderers on a show and the ones that look like they won't do it again get to go free without consequence. It doesn't mean that they have improved in the real world it just means that they are only better then the other killers on the show. What they should just be doing is weeding out the bad drivers, have them on the show, but they should never get to drive again. Someone who murders is likely to murder again, someone who kills someone with their car is still a murderer, and should face the consequences of their actions.

Until the courts and the pussy judges start handing out real time for the crime, nothing will ever change.

Pig flu update

The Scientists at the World Health Organization have warned the world not to eat pork from Canada as it may be infected. What they didn't take note of was that if any pigs show signs of being ill thye don't get shipped out, if a pig is lying dead on the ground it doesn't get shipped out. I suspect that these scientists just don't like pork and that thye are pig haters, he have enough hate in this world without having pig haters as well.

Ottawa City councillor Clive Doucett is an idiot

There really is no story to go along with the headline, but as long as I've typed this much i may as well say a few words. Ottawa City councillor is a friggin idiot, he rambles on and on about how beautiful Lansdowne park would look covered in grass and how the flowers, (like we need more friggin flowers in this city) would look as it all cascades down to the Rideau canal. Now close your eyes and envision how it would really look in 10 years if the City of Ottawa doesn't allow the only developers that are willing to spend money on Lansdowne park to go ahead. It will look just like it does right now, only with a crumbled stadium, and a huge empty parking lot, unusable because the buildings will be unsafe to use. Clive Doucett has spoken out against re-development, well except for grass and more friggin flowers, it is in his ward, and he is looking after all the "old money" people that live there. He is an extinct thinker and not a forward thinker.

Other people in the community have come out and said that Lansdowne park should not be used for a Canadian Football League team, as they have failed twice in the past and therefore would definately fail again, it seems that they can see into the future. How proud we are to have such brilliant minds living in this city.

Clive it's over, give it up, we don't need anymore flowers, and we certainly don't need short minded thinkers in this city, but do another study and sign a petition or two.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Breaking news

I really just don't care about some things, and other things I'm really against. On the other hand, I sometimes have an opinion on issues that don't affect me at all. The issues that do directly affect me I also have an opinion on, but not always.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

WHO's in charge

It seems that every day since the pig flu, or when pigs fly, that there is a new spokes person for the World Health Organization, shouldn't they have one official communications person that deals with all the latest in the parinoid spew that keeps coming out. Today we have been told that the second wave of pig flu "would be the biggest of all outbreaks the world has faced in the 21st century" Is this not just more fear mongering, all it does is scare countries into banning travel, pork exports and WHO knows what else.

The WHO then comes out with, "things in Mexico seem to be improving", pretty much everyone that has become infected worldwide had some contact with Mexico, and yet Canada is getting dumped on around the world. Russia has banned Canadian pork, following China, how many more countries will follow this narrow minded stupidity.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Somali pirates

Ok first of all, they aren't pirates, they are just a bunch of thugs. I bet that none of them has a parrot, peg leg or goes oooorrrr when they talk. So how does the rest of the world deal with these guys, well the Americans had it right, 3 thugs, 3 slugs........end of story.

China bans Canadian pork and quarantines students

So it seems that China, one of the worst offenders of shipping lead laced products around the world, poisoning their own children with tainted milk, sending workers off to the mercury mines, and countless other actions against their own people. So what's their biggest fear now, eating Canadian pork, it doesn't contain lead, it doesn't contain mercury, it doesn't contain tripolycyanamide, also known as melamine and it doesn't contain H1N1. China has thrown Canadian students into quarantine over fears that they might have been exposed to the swine flu. What China has proved is that they play two face with their own people, it's ok to have children working around lead and mercury but we can't risk them getting the flu, just how stupid does that sound.

So here's my suggestion, restrict the Chinese from coming to Canada without being tested and screened for the countless infectious ailments that they may be exposed to in their "we don't care show us the money" third world country. Ban all products coming from China until they have been tested for lead, stop all food products from China.

I realize that none of this will ever happen as Canada welcomes everyone with open arms, don't want to rock the boat full of smuggled people.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Man to pig swine flu infection

Worker may have passed H1N1 to Alberta pigsHealth authorities have confirmed the presence of H1N1 in Alberta pigs, and say the virus may have jumped from a farm worker to the animals, in what could be the first case of human-to-animal transmission of the virus.

That's a switch, it's usually a you suppose the sheep would be jealous?

Friday, May 1, 2009

A common hotel myth

For those of us who travel alot staying in the "right" hotel is important, for the people that book us in the hotels, the "right" hotel isn't always the hotel of choice. Allow me to explain, the common myth is that as long as it's clean it's ok, afterall it's just a place to sleep after a long day of work, this is where the myth begins, it is nice to stay in a clean hotel, I've had my share of...not so clean hotels.....what is important is that we must remember it is our away from home place to sleep, so it's important that the place to sleep has a comfortable bed and comfortable pillows. What is aso important is reliable internet service, and as I type this I received the message "internet failed, will try and re-connect" If dial up is faster then there is a problem, staying in a hotel where the only internet access is in the lobby creates the "but what about the porn" looking at porn in the lobby of a hotel, while has it's interesting possibilites, is also a little bit I've been told.

Having a TV is important, having a remote that isn't sticky is more important. Having a shower that works well, with a constant flow of balanced hot water is very important, as getting blasted by blister inducing water and then a split second later water close to the temperature of the North sea, just makes for a rather jittery shower experience.

Presently I'm staying in a wonderful hotel/motel in montreal. It is similar to staying in a "waiting for the twister in Kansas type of trailer", the air conditioner sticks out the window, surrounded by drapes that were cut for a much larger air conditioner, the sun comes up pretty early though the hole in the drapes. The bed is very similar to spreading out evergreen branches and trying to sleep on them, although I believe they may be more comfortable. My pillows can't really be classified as pillows, that implies something that a head would rest comfortably on, these pilllows do not offer that comfort. The internet will allow me to upload these thoughts, but not before calling the front desk for the fifth time asking for a new internet code to re-connect.

So the next time someone says at least the room is clean, be assured that the rest of the hotel experience is likely to leave you rather unsatisfied. It won't be the "right" hotel for you. Just as this hotel isn't the right one for me.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

CNN said stuff today

CNN said today the same things they said yesterday, there is still a swine thing going on, but it doesn't appear to be a really bad strain. I don't think I'll watch CNN anymore

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kill the pigs

We have gone to defcon 6, one minute to 12, we've hit code red, shoot the pigs, kill the swine. Ok so now that the world, or the USA has gone completely off the wack on swine flu. It all started in Mexico, and it seems that things in Mexico are slowing down (according to CNN) the worst fear mongers in the world.

How long before Oprah has "Survivors of the swine flu" on her show, with questions, "what was it like having a sore throat, was the nauesa worse than watching Maury's show" Will there be a "Run for swine flu" with all proceeds going to Cancun.

Ok so being serious here, we have a wealth of hypochondriacs in this world that are now coming down with symptoms, I too am feeling a little run down, have a headache, a little bit of nauesa, oh wait, I had beers tonight, never mind...........I think I'm having a stroke......I was kidding about the being serious part.

Kill Porky, shoot Babe, it's the pigs, they said bacon was bad for us, we should have listened.........and now we have a pandemic, or an imminent pandemic according to the World Health Organization, 2700 people world wide "may" have symptoms.

I suppose we'll see. We've gone to agent orange, it's a category 12, CNN is about to separate the facts from the not so real facts. When it's all over the remaining few of us left with sit back and say we should have listened, now we have to deal the zombies.

Egypt has ordered the slaughter of pigs, those flu shots you lined up for months ago, no help. Fort Worth schools will close until May 11th. Good news is that flu should die off during the summer months, but may come back in the fall........just so the parinoid can have a crappy summer worring about the flu they'll catch in the fall.

What's wrong with Ottawa

Ottawa is my hometown, it is a beautiful city in the summer and fall, it is a cold city in the winter, we have a great canal, it runs through the city, it is the best skating rink in the world, it is not the creek that Winnipeg has claimed as the longest skating rink in the world . People travel to Ottawa in the winter just to skate on our canal. We have tulips, millions of tulips, if you have a flower fetish Ottawa is the place to be. Ottawa has greenspace, lots of greenspace, we have trees as well, and a festival or two, the tulip festival is one, go figure.

So what's wrong with Ottawa? The people that run it, we have a city council that has buried their combined heads up their asses. They are clueless when it comes to running a progressive city, well we don't really have a progressive city, thanks to this "always manage to get re-elected" bunch, although that doesn't say much for the people of Ottawa that keep re-electing them. I do have to say that there are a few that occationally appear to pretend to understand what is going on, and then the next day they wake up stupid again.

Studies, do we have studies, council does studies to study why the city does so many studies. They have just decided the route of our new rapid transit light rail, the down side is that it goes from point K to point L, unfortunately it doesn't go from A to K or L to Z, in effect it goes no where. The up side is that it won't ever happen, there is a new study and when they discover that they can't tunnel through the bedrock under the city without spending an extra 100 billion, they'll decide that it wasn't such a good idea, but they'll study that.

There is a new study going on, well negotiations I suppose, to decide if some well connected and intelligent developers are worthly enough to spend their own 100 milion making Ottawa a better place. You see we need a stadium upgrade, and several councillors want the present stadium levelled and a new cattle pasture erected. We do need more greenspace and flowers.

So what's wrong with Ottawa it's boring, and the city councillors want to keep it this way.

But I still love the city.

Are drivers race driven

So the more time that I spend on the roads the more I observe how stupid drivers are getting, accidents are no longer called accidents but collisons, they should be called stupidities. Everyday I witness several infractions that under the right conditions should have been a stupidity, I can't help but look at the driver and wonder

A. How did they get a licence in the first place
B. How do they manage to keep the licence.
C. In the country they come from, was a licence required
D. How do they avoid the stupidities that they cause.

My own curious nature always has me guessing who is behind the wheel, so I do my best to find out, I assume that the driver is elderly, Asian, or black (it's not a race slur, when it is fact based) Much to my being correct most of the time, but not always. The biggest concern is that people of all races take no personal responsibility when behind the wheel of a potential weapon, they drive as if the rest of the world are mind readers, "why of course I knew you were going to signal left and turn right" "no really the 100km speed limit doesn't apply to you, going 50km is ok, we all have brakes" I'm sorry, it was my fault, I forgot that you're an idiot"

Drivers are getting worse, kids are turning Honda Civics into what they think are road rockets built for racing, what they have simply done is turned a Honda Civic into a noisy Honda Civic that is still as gutless as it was before adding the garbage can muffler. In my world a muscle car has muscle, it was a car that was feared by other drivers, not because the driver was wreckless, but because the car sounded like it had muscle, it had a sound, it never sounded like nuts and bolts rattling around inside a tin can.

So the next time you observe a mysterious act of driving, take the time to see who is behind the wheel, you won't be surprised, you might even find yourself he was right.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu driven by fear mongers

So once again something comes along and the WHO, governments and the media have already started the "could be as bad as 1918" I can appreciate that warnings should be issued in response to the cases and unfortunate deaths in Mexico, but to state that it "could be" is jumping the gun just a little bit, especially as we are moving out of the flu season. What should be done is limited travel to and from Mexico, put medical resourses into Mexico and get it under control.

Hospitals will be overloaded by anyone with a slight cold, any symptom that appears to be a flu symptom, sore throat, nausea, headache, you know the usual symptoms that many people suffer from regularly. The economy which is already stressed will be further stressed.

Wake up people, 4000 people per year die from the flu in Canada, and tens of thousands more around the world.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Immigration.....what's wrong.

Canada or Canadian does not have a hypen in front or behind it, you are either a Canadian or you are not. The terms:

or any other not exhist.

Make up your mind, if you were born in Canada, you are Canadian, if you immigrated to Canada and have a Canadian Citizenship certificate that says you're now Canadian, you are simply Canadian. Canada is now the country that you have decided to belong to, it is a great country, it is not perfect, but we don't have wars, we don't hate each other, we are peaceful. We go to the aid of other countries, many are countries that you have run away from, we help, we send our troops, and they die in your country, fighting a war that you have run away from.

If for what ever reason you decide that Canada is a new place for you to bring your wars, your hates and you feel that you have to teach your next generation to hate, then feel free to leave, you are not welcome in this great country. If you have come to build a new life, a better life for your family, if you have come to contribute to this country to make it a better place, I will welcome you with open arms.

Our rules, not yours.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Reasons for a blog

I have thought about having a site to post thoughts, complaints and what ever else comes to mind. I have written letters to newspapers with thoughts on the news of the day, and inspite of having the letters published they appear to have been a waste of my time. What it does seem is that the papers choose to print the boring letters that suit their own ideals and not intelligent, or witty or "to the point" editorials.

So here is why I have decided to start my own forum of thoughts