Sunday, December 16, 2012

Murdering the innocent

With this latest and tragic act of gun violence still in the hearts and minds of people we are all outraged and saddened by it.  Children are supposed to be protected and for the most part they are over-protected.  As a child I ran and played, rode my beat up bikes in and out of traffic, we threw rocks at each other, we got lost and we worried our parents sick when we didn't show up on time.  But we always felt safe living in a safe country...the sick people were still out there but we never heard about them.  This is home in schools were all safe places to be...we thought about guns...made them out of a stick...pointed a finger and thumb...played cowboys and indians...good guys and bad guys.

This week in the United States of "what the fuck is wrong with you people" America a lone gunman...a child 20 years old he had not even started to live his own life...murdered the innocent...murdered teachers and his mother...who provided him with the assault rifle to do the job...she took him to the gun range and taught him how to kill...not just kill...that is what an assault rifle is designed is not for hunting is not for home is designed to kill people...that is is simple.   For his part he was given the tool by his mother...he was home taught by his mother...he was "removed" for society by his mother...because he was a "troubled youth"  A troubled youth with access to weapons...other people knew he was disturbed...but they chose not to help...they chose not to say "perhaps having guns around him is not a good idea"  The Americans embrace the idea of having guns for home protection...afterall they are permitted to own them...they can carry them on some school property...just in case...they live in a society where they are all prepared to take a life if it suits them...if they have road rage...or if they simply don't like someone.  I won't type the name of the latest murderer...I don't want him to be known...there is no reason to remember him for anything other than a murderer of children.  Cry for the children...and cry for the United States...they allow it...and they will never change it...that is their right.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christian Childrens Fund

Holy Geez...I realize that there are starving kids in third world countries, but using Christmas as a way of guilting money out of us is crap.  There are starving kids in "have" countries as that know about Christmas and yet don't get to celebrate it either.  This starts at home...

The commercial of kids from some third world country with tears running down their cheeks all looking santa this presents under the palm tree this year...ya it sucks for them...ya it sucks for their parents...or parent...the sperm donor long gone.

This commercial has been running on tv for decades...I wonder where these kids are now...time to update the tears and flys.

Donate at home...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2012 the end of the world?

I have to say that I am quite surprised that more people haven't starting going crazy with the Dec 21st end of the world prediction.  There have of course been more movies...more tv shows about the up- coming doomsday.  Who knows what will happen, rumour has it that the earth is going to shift a bit and chnage the weather patterns, warm comes north, cold goes south...can't say I have a real problem with all that...a banana tree growing in the backyard.  We all know that people will start to act a little different as the day draws near...what happens...I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

New toys not to give kids

The list of the top toys that should be avoided for a variety of reasons, choking, strangulation, impact and ingestion.  It is up to the parents to decide and watch over what they give their own children.  We played with rocks and sticks, threw rocks at each other, fell out of trees, stepped on nails, rode our bikes in the DDT mosquito foggers.  We had lawn darts, huge metal tipped projectiles that we threw at each other.  We smashed neon lights while using them as swords.

I don't ever remember any of my friends getting seriously injured, cuts and bruises, never trips to the hospital.  Kids are being treated as wimps by  over protected parents and agencies.  The biggest risk these days is a result of worldwide trade with countries like China that produce lead based everything.  If you want to fix this, buy home based products, support your own country.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


You just have to say what the fuck and continue driving.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Skeletor and Maria Shriver

It has recently come to light that super bad guy Skeletor and Maria Shriver former Mrs Arnold "aaaggagagaggagagagagagagagag" Schwarzenegger were indeed brother and sister.  Separated at birth Skeletor went on to do battle with He Man Master of the Universe and Maria went on to also do battle with the He Man seven time Master of the Universe.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Honey Boo Boo update

Honey boo boo is to the  south what Snookie is to New Jersey, only younger and hasn't had a kid yet.

A quick political notice

It really does not matter who becomes the leader of any country on this planet, the face changes but nothing else does.  They continue to just suck the life out of everyone under the umbrela that they are different, they are not.  They don't enter politics to become wealthy, they already are, that's how they get there, they enter politics for the power to rule.  They claim to be sympathic to the "average" people, but the comfort words they use mean very little.  These people will never go to bed hungry, they will never worry about how little gas they can afford to put in the car so that they can still buy a loaf of bread, they don't know how much a loaf of bread even costs.  They suck at the tit of the nation and it doesn't matter who complains, or who questions them, the milk never dries up for them.  We are the tit.

Politics is a scam...and you are all the suckers that pay for it.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Honey Boo Boo....yes it was

What the fuck is wrong with a society that allows this kind of   disgusting swine to have a TV show, and then pay them for it.  The world is an ugly enough place at times and this just proves the point. The Learning Channel used to have some great shows before it decided to explore the underworld of the pedophiles favourite show...Toddlers and tiaras...and now we have the trailer park boys and girls of Inbreed, a small community somewhere in the proud United States of America.  The family that wears fat like a badge of honour, where being ignorant is a sign of intelligence.  Honey Boo Boo, "her real name Alana Thompson just doesn't get you a TV show I suppose" Her entire family, starting with the pig mother, sorry Glitzy you cute little soon to be packaged piece of bacon...yes back to the mother and her kids  Chubbs and Chickadee both from different fathers...well truth be told she has four children all from the shots of different fathers...apparently the men in this trailer park are blind as well.   I watched the highlights of the first season and came very close to scratching my eyes out with the cat brush.   What I have learned from the Learning Channel...not a single fucking thing.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My views on Syria, Iran,Iraq, Afganistan and the Expendables

They don't want help...they aren't interested in peace...the leaders are crooks...while I have always wondered how in the movies you can send in a small but lethal force of extra special black opps...including Eddie Murphy as Agent Orange...why isn't it possible for some extra special lethal force able to just slide in wack some nut...and leave...they can blame it on some poor rebel.

My suggestion is that for Expendables 3 they send in the entire movie cast...that would be enough to screw up some third world toilet...even as actors they are bigger than life...even if they are pretty much all five foot six and old...well except Stalone who is also loaded to the guns with roids...Arnold could talk then to death with goofy Austrian puns about...I'll be back...I let him go and Hasta la Vista baby...he must be tough as nails after spending most of his life married to Skeletor...and then banging Helda the cleaning lady...really had your pick of the hotest women on the planet and you went with two that Charlie Sheen on a bad drug day wouldn't you know that Arnold is ready for some third world action.

We have former British diver Jason Statham...Jet Li a washed up kung fu kick him up actor...David Carradine not being avaliable as his closet boner got him well hung...Dolt Lungren got beat up by Rocky and was banging the same woman that Arnold was...until Arnold met Skeletor and found politics...So during all this how come Kurt Russell who escaped from New York and Los Angeles wasn't added to the list...he's married to Goldie Hawn that's why...he has a reason not to join the Washedupables.

Big trouble is brewing and it could be John Maclean, just the fax ma'am.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pig Flu update

Well the pigs are still muddy and the drug companies are still high fives all around...the World Health Organization or WHO...Who are you...who...who still haven't figured out how they fucked up so badly...oh ya and it still turned out to be nothing...You read it here first.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Leaving the trash behind

At the end of the month we are moving and with that we will be leaving the human trash that has planted the thorns of dislike...nipples and pups became nipples and of her yappy fuckin dogs vanished and I can only assume she had it wacked... she seems to be the type....she vanished a few weeks ago...we have not noticed an unsual scent from next door so we can only assume that she isn't curled up in the corner of a room somewhere  with the other dog feasting on her rancid body...although she was kinda rancid already.  The welfare cases on the other side had great plans on going to music school but instead of planning the best way to get there chose to smoke...smoke...drink and smoke more...on and then had no money for school...tough to save when you spend close to $800 a month on heart bleeds for them...the mind is such a thing to waste...or is it just wasted.

While I like the neighbourhood and most of the people in it...time has come to leave the trash final wish is that whoever moves in here hates life more than the neighbours...and likes to share.


I came to a conclusion...

Monday, Monday I hate this day

So this morning I got out of bed on the wrong side... fell into my urine soaked corn flakes and then burnt my toast...I met all the shit drivers today as well...the ones that got their drivers licence from the same urine soaked box of corn flakes.

Monday should start later in the week

Sunday, April 8, 2012

All politicians are the same

It really doesn't matter who gets elected, from municipal to federal, once they get there, it's  free for them.  Some believe that they will make a difference, and then settle into the party politics, hang around as long as they can, grab whatever money they can, all the perks, say a few things, but in the end, it's always the same.

They lie, cheat and say whatever they feel people want to hear, they can't answer a question honestly, but say what they have been told to say.  In Ottawa, our mayor is a true to heart liberal, he came from the corrupt provincial government, lead by the biggest liar of all, Dalton.  Our mayor, Kim Jong Watson tows the liberal line, he bullies other weak minded councilors into doing what he wants, and they don't have the guts to stand up against him, he was taught well by Dalton.  He was taught to hide what he spends, and over-spends.  He is just an extension of Daltons corrupt little world.

The provincial and federal governments do very little to help anyone but themselves. Everything is going up, gas, food, electricity, and what do they do?  Not a single thing,  they have the power to make simple charges to make it easier for people to just get by, and what do they do, suck more money out of us.  The feds on all three sides score huge pensions after 6 years of sucking our money from us, all the while telling us, "WE" the general public "HAVE" to make cuts and give a little more to help the economy.  What about them?  what is that they give back?  they take the big pension, and just laugh at us.

Next time you vote, it doesn't matter who you vote for, you'll just get new faces and the same old shit piled on a chair.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Premier Dalton "I won't raise taxes"

Another lie........and now he's pissing off other to all you idiots that voted him back in......what do you see in him that I don't?  Have you noticed that everything in Ontario has gone up in price......not a single thing has gone down.........I'm guessing not even Mrs Dalton.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston death of a singing drug addict

So Whitney is gone....... did she change the she have a great one time yes.......will they find drugs in her system at the time she sank faster than a Canadian submarine......probably.....will she be some yes........her fans...........did I like the movie The Body Guard.......yes I did..........have I watched it more than once........nope..........Whitney is gone..........within days of her being planted...........she will be really gone........end of story.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

My son was called a racist

My son works for a drug store downtown and enjoys being there. He works hard, running around making sure everything is just right.  Last night he was helping out with a customer who became annoyed because he couldn't answer a question about cosmetics, he doesn't work in cosmetics, he went over to help out as the person in charge was busy with another customer. He tried to understaand her question through a strong accent, it seems that she is known in the store as being "full of herself" and as it was decsribed, in "her country, she is expected to be treated better"  She called him a racist when no mention of race was mentioned, my son treats people with respect, he was raised that way. 

It is people like this woman that causes all the race problems, bought her way into Canada and claims poverty, sucks from the welfare tit while sitting on a coin filled bank account. Her country of origin, Somalia, that crime laden country filled with a corrupt "government" of thugs and hijackers. People buy there way out of Somilia to a better country, this country of Canada.  What this woman should learn is that respect is earned, it is not a right, and if there is a racist in this picture, it is her. Once again, she pulls the race card.

I have told my son that if this situation happens again to just tell the person "I am not a racist and I resent being called one" and walk away.  People like this don't deserve any respect.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My neighbour and her dogs part 2

Well it has been months since I have felt like adding a post, so I thought I would a follow-up on nipples and pups. Well bylaw has been called several times, the police have been informed as well. She seems to have taken on a new and more annoying attitude with the dogs.  After receiving a letter telling her of the noise bylaw and the potential fines envolved she has taken it upon herself to let the dogs out just after 11pm, when the noise bylaw comes into affect, they bark for 5 minutes and she lets them in, a personal protest on her part.

On a lighter side, it appears that she has a new man in her life, as the walls are thin, she is heard wailing like a banshie at 2am, apparently his name is Ohgod, as she yells it every few minutes. I'm not sure now what is worse, the dogs, which are slient when Ohgod is visiting........or when Ohgod is visiting.

This is one saga that I fear may not end for quite some time, not as long as nipples with pups, keeps acting like a c**t with no thoughts or concerns of disturbing other people with her pups........the dogs.